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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #26258

Guangzhou, China Review on May 22, 2019:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

我住在离领事馆步行十分钟的地方,面试当天提前40分钟到领事馆已经有很多移民的人在排队了,而且貌似我是同时段最后几个,所以建议大家可以提前一小时过去。 进入领事馆: 进去后先凭护照和p4约见信领号码牌 然后进安检前只看号码牌并要求把所有文件放进文件夹 安检(可以存包和手机) 上三楼第一个窗口交号码牌和P4预约信领一个新号码 A区交材料: 叫号交材料:护照,预约信,让我把体检的信封(北京是棕色)直接撕开文件给她,出生、无犯罪和未婚公正撕掉封面封底给她、我男票的经济支持:I-134、最近三年的1040和W2、雇主信、最近半年的bank statement. B区面试:亚裔女面签官 M: Good morning! How are you doing? VO: Good morning! You can speak English. M: Yes! 然后宣誓说的都是真的和按指纹,问我有没有看过防家暴小手册我说有。接下来面签官看了我资料有一分多钟,我有点紧张又好困都开始走神了…🤦‍♀️ VO: How did you meet him? M: It was back to 2015 and we met in Chicago…this is our first in-person meeting. VO: What is his job? M: He works as …in Chicago. VO: I saw he has another job. What is it? M: He has a part-time job in a movie theater. VO: What does he do? M: He worked as...... VO: Interesting! M:我心里呵呵😹 VO: Did you study in the US before? M: Yep. I went to school at …in Chicago. VO: Did he visit you before? M: He visited me ...... VO: Did you meet with his family? M: Yes, we met a lot of times. We spent 4th of July, Christmas and my boyfriend’s birthday together. VO: Do you have any photos of you two? M: I have an album. 然后她就一边看一边不住微笑点头说those are very nice! 从头翻到尾认真看了每一页,you two are cute! VO: Congrats! Your visa is approved. You can go to counter#23 if you have any questions.然后给了我白色通过单。 M: Thank you very much and have a great day! 然后面签就愉快地结束了,出来大约9点半。出口和入口不是一个地方,如果有人在门口等你记得去出口等。

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