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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #2573

London, United Kingdom Review on March 8, 2008:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had my interview on 5th March 2008 and below is my experience

I got the tube around 9am back to Bond Street and arrived at the Embassy at about 9.30 to join the queue. Security told me to come back in half an hour (Which worried me slightly as my interview was at 10!) Went and sat chain smoking in Grosvenor square for half an hour and then rejoined the queue.

They made me turn my phone off and put it in a plastic bag to hand in at security. There were probably about 50 other people in the queue and I had to line up for about half an hour. (There was a man in front of me who looked VERY familiar... I can't can't work out if he was famous or not, lol) went through security and the metal detector etc and then went and got a number from the front desk (No. 5017) sat on a chair in the main hall and waited for my number to be called (There is a big screen and an automated message calls out numbers also... So there is definitely no danger of missing it!) After about half an hour my number was called and I had to go to window 14. A nice Australian man asked me for my passport photos, my passport, my birth certificate and deed poll forms, evidence of support, police report and then asked me to sign 2 forms. He then asked me to go to window 12 to pay the visa fee which worked out at about £63 ish. I then went back to window 14 and he took my fingerprints and gave me a courier form to fill out (I think thats all he asked for...) He then told me to go and sit down and they would call me shortly for my interview.

5 minutes later I was called back, this time to window 15. An American guy there asked me to raise my right hand and swear that everything I was about to say and everything that was written down was true etc etc, he retook my fingerprints and asked me to sign a form and the only questions he asked were:

[Him] So. Are you married?
[Me] No, not yet
[Him] Whats your fiances name?
[Me] Chris
[Him] How and when did you meet?
[Me] November 2005 in a pub in Hagerstown, Maryland - I was in America visiting my Dad
[Him] Aah that's nice, so how many times have you visited him?
[Me] Quite a few now, probably about 5 or 6 in total?
[Him] Has he been to visit you?
[Me] Not as of yet, no. But we will both by visiting England together at some point
[Him] Where are you and your husband going to live?
[Me] *Raised eyebrow* Erm...
[Him] Aaah sorry *giggle* I mean fiance
[Me] In Maryland to start with
[Him] Well, ok then! Congratulations! Depending on your medical and fingerprint results, your visa will be sent within 2 weeks, it's usually quicker than that though. Go and hand in your courier forms and I hope you enjoy your time in America!

And that was it! I paid the courier £14 and off I went to get my stuff back.

All that worrying for nothing. The whole experience was pretty painless!

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