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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #25467

Frankfurt, Germany Review on January 28, 2019:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

First of all, everyone in this embassy is absolutely nice and very helpful, but I still had some problems, which made me give them only 3 stars.

After I finally got the pack 4 from the embassy, I instantly looked up available interviewdates, but since it was only 2 weeks before christmas their next free appointment was january 10th. This really made me sad so me and my fiance decided that I will just get a later interview date in january and fly over to america for a month to celebrate christmas and new years with my lovely human.
My interviewdate was the 17th of january, so I decided to fly back from Washington DC to Frankfurt on the 15th, arrived in germany on the 16th and stayed in the hotel "villa am wasserpark" overnight because its very close to the embassy.
My appointment on this thursday was 8.45 and I arrived at the embassy around 8.15 and decided to go in there. I picked the second line and instantly went to the first window and gave the lady my appointment letter and my passport. After that I needed to go through security. I knew they dont allow smartphones and electronic devices in the embassy but the girl in front of me was allowed to leave her phone in one of the boxes behind the security. (So if you really need to bring it, you can!).
After that you go to two different windows. When i arrived at the second window inside, the officer went through all my stuff with me, explained how the package with the visa is gonna look and etc.. Until then everything went fine and well, until the officer told me to come back to his window and explained me that he had problems with my file and he can try to fix it if i fill out a new DS form and bring it to him. So i went to the computer in that hall and started to type all my stuff in again, luckily i was being able to retrieve most of my data and so it only cost me about 20 extra minutes. After that i went back to the officer, gave him the new DS and he told me to sit down again. After about 10 minutes he lifted up his thumb and showed me that it worked...or atleast he thought it did.
So after a while it was time for my interview. The officer was very nice but let me know right at the beginning of the interview that he doesnt know if we can finish this today since he cant verify my fingerprints for the oath due a system error. But he still asked me to lift up my arm and do the oath. After that he asked me 3 questions:
- when did you and your fiance meet
- do you have children
- how did he propose
after that he was done with the interview. He was smiling and we were kinda chatting about the meeting situation since he knew what twitch and streaming was.
Then i needed to sit down again and he tried to call the tech support to fix that fingerprint problem. When he called me back to his window, he told me he cant approve me without the oath confirmation and gave me a refusal note with "oath missing". He also told me he cant tell me how long this is gonna take until this is fixed and i should write them in two weeks.

At this point it was just too much for me, because this process has been hard for me and my fiance because we actually work together since im editing his videos and we were only being able to keep up the workflow while i was in america, since i had a good internet connection there and also my editing pc. So i left with tears in my eyes the embassy.
Since I didnt want to wait 2 weeks, i reached out to them on friday (1 day after my interview) and asked if there is any new information on the error. The embassy then responded to me on tuesday and told me everything is fixed and i should go ahead and schedule a new appointment.
And prolly a lot of you know that scheduling appointments costs 265 dollars so i responded to them that i cant schedule it without paying the fee again. I already live 4 hours away and ended up wasting 90euro more for the second time driving to the embassy.
When i told them that, i also said: please give me the next free appointment, even if its the next day in the morning.
On wednesday they responded to me and gave me luckily an appointment for the next day which was thursday and exactly one week after my first interview.
So i left at 3am at home and drove to the embassy, to be there around 9 am. My appointment was at 9.30 and my heart already dropped again, when the lady couldnt find me on her list and needed to do a phonecall before finally letting me into the embassy again. From here it went very fast. The officer from my first interview instantly told me to come to his window (despite 4 people already waiting for their interview). He apologized for the travel and all the problems, took the oath and fingerprints from me and told me i was approved and im good to go.
You cant believe how happy I was when he said that especially after this full week of being afraid my case is gonna stay at the embassy for weeks/months.

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