London, United Kingdom | Review on February 27, 2008: | ericdraven

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Well here we go. I set off Early from Marble Arch Inn so I could get a starbucks, which by the way the Marble Arch Inn let's you keep you luggage there while you go to the interview. My interview was at 8.30 because I had a lenght of overstay but less than the 180 day mark. So arrived at the embassy about 7.30ish. as I got there I was ordered by a Policeman to go and stand in the park at the far end. I began working down and could see all the other people stood there too. I maded it to the crowd to find out someone had left a bag outsided the embassy. So it was being treated as bomb scare !!! I thought great just what I needed. Sounds bad I know but all I could think of was being sent home and having to rebook. anyway must have lasted and hour or more before we was given the all clear and was able to get back in line lucky I manged to get to the front of the 8.30 line but with the hold up didn't get in till 9.11. So got in to the building there a lady at a table facing the glass doors you enter. you show her your letter and she give you your number (5005) and tells you to go up a small flight of stair in to a visa room again if you look to your left you can see the visa room through another set of glass doors. you go up them steps and all visas are given in there. and they're show on a tv screen all split in to 4 groups were put in the immigrant row. You sit there looking at the screen's waiting for your number. think I waited for about 5 mins and went to window no 1 which of course has the little Quite asian lady. took ages to get my finger prints had about 4 go's. silly me I took a labouring job just to tide me over but its rubbed away most off my fingerprints LOL. Pick't it cause it was shift work so working 2/10 ment I could talk to the misses for longer. anyway after the 4th attempt it was ok and I was given the strip to go and pay at another counter. After paying went back to number one where she gave me my chest Xray. and took all the paperwork off me. sent me to sit down but I realised she didn't ask for my RAF paperwork. So went back with that and sat down. Wasn't sat for 5 mins and Was of again to another window 15 this time. It was a nice American gentleman softly spoken but very nice. Said Good Morning asked me to raise my right hand and swear in which I did. then asked how we met and where was it I said Grapevine Mall. He said and where would that be. I said texas in the DFW area. then asked about my overstay stood and work't it out I was under the 180 days asked if I was deported. I said no I left off my own accord. He said good !!! he typed a few more things in to the computer and said thats it !!!. But I wasn't happy with that wanted to know if I was approved or not. So I said So I just wait for my visa to arrive in the post and he said Yes, It should be with you soon. Welcome to america !!! Yea it was done. Just a case of filing out the delivery slip and paying for the delivery. Oh try and remember your mobile number or write it down before you go in the Embassy cause they take your phone of you I forgot and won't get a Text message before its delivered. All in all I was done by 10.15 So its very much an anticlimax after waiting all this time. But it is over now, On my way home to texas !!!
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