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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #24139

Frankfurt, Germany Review on July 3, 2018:



Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

The general experience was extremely nice after all the stress and hair pulling.. Frankfurt consulate staff is very professional, efficient and also very, very friendly. The security personnel was very helpful and not rude at all, quite the contrary. They do appreciate a smile and a thank you very much (including “Sir” or “Ma’am”).

I got a number, went through security, and sat in the waiting area. Most of the time was spent waiting. My sighting of the original documents took about 5 minutes, which included very few questions about addresses and birthdate..I got information about passport delivery and domestic violence and SSN. I got all my original documents back at the end of the interview.

The consul then took my oath, and asked me very few questions:
1) how and when did you meet your husband
2) when did you see your husband the last time
3) where does your husband live?

Very friendly consular officer, who finally told me : this concludes your interview and I am approving your visa.
All consulate people are smiling at you and they conduct the procedure like a friendly conversation. They really do try to make this experience pleasant and this is a friendly face of the US. Every single applicant in there was nervous/anxious. CO’s know that, since the process is considered rigorous and nervewrecking.
I did not have to show any evidence. However, I placed my very thick portfolio on the counter.

That was all and it was a really nice experience!
My passport will arrive within one to two weeks.

The waiting time was long (nearly two hours) and it started with one person not bringing their passport to the interview because it got lost, all three before me were missing original documents, although requested. Lack of preparation severely halts the progress for other people!

Personal advice: dress appropriately! This is official business and your cleavage does not impress the CO, nor does it look cool when you stumble over the very slick floor with your crazy high-heels... also, make up for daily business, not the whole sculpting shebang, so they have to look at your photo 4 times to realize it’s you. And secondly- please, for the sake of those others waiting for their interview: keep your documents in order and bring all originals and what is needed! Seriously, i was annoyed at some point when the third person was lacking a requested document and the staff have to go and discuss this issue with their superior...the waiting hall is pretty chilly and one gets miserable after a while.
It’s relatively easy: you have a checklist online from Frankfurt consulate. Just place your original (or certified copy) and maybe one copy of that in the order of the checklist. That’s really all you need to do.
And also: pleas, do not try to cut the entry line..it’s rude. Thank you!

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