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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #23972

Korea Review on June 11, 2018:



Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Here is the timeline from my interview today.
7.10am arrive at embassy, 2nd in line
7.30am entered embassy, powered off and handed in phone and went through the scanner. Proceeded to 2nd floor and gave documents to the clerk at the check-in desk. She went through the documents discarding extra pages etc, put the passport pics in a clear envelop and attached them to my passport before handing everything back to me. I am not Korean so she said that I would have to come back down and get a barcode on my passport but told me to proceed to the 3rd floor in the meantime.
7.35am went to the 3rd floor (section on the right hand side) and waited for the booths to open.
8am booths opened and they began to call names. It wasn't in the order that people entered but everyone was seen in a matter of minutes. It was very efficient. I gave my bundle of documents plus the tax forms for the last applicable year. I was told to sit down and they would call my name.
8.10am My name was called and the lady gave me back my passport and the slip for payment to take to the 2nd floor. I waited in line for the same check-in desk as earlier and got the barcode on my passport.
8.15am went to the cashier to pay. I had cash but he didn't have any change so I paid by card otherwise I would have had to wait until 9am to pay.
8.20am I went back to the 3rd floor and handed back my passport and receipt for payment.
8.40am I was called to the window and gave my finger prints.
9.05am I was called to the window and asked some questions about my relationship with my husband (he wasn't with me), how we met, where we were married, when he was going to move back to the US. They guy was very nice and personable. I swore an oath, did a finger print of only my right hand and he told me I was approved. He gave me back my original birth certificate and marriage certificate. They kept my passport and said that it will be sent out in the next few days.
9.15am I went to the 1st floor, collected my phone and left.

Overall my experience dealing with the US embassy in Seoul was very positive. All of the staff that I encountered were very professional and friendly. The process took exactly 10 weeks from submission of the I-130 to approval of the Visa. I am very grateful that I could go through the process here in such a short space of time and not have to be separated from my husband.

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