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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #22808

Bangladesh Review on November 9, 2017:


Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

So, my husband went to the interview, on time, dressed well. He had a huge file folder of organized documents. However, the interviewer was confrontational from the beginning it seems. I am a foreigner, we have an age difference where I'm older. The interviewer made derisive comments about the fact that I was divorced (Said it repeatedly and loudly so the whole waiting room could hear), got furious when my husband asked him to repeat a question he didn't hear properly, and scoffed when my husband told him I was a nurse practitioner. Interviewer said, its the same thing as a nurse.... um actually, no, it's NOT. He actually laughed at my husband when he said I had a masters degree. Wow, way to be professional. Then he didn't tell him anything about the outcome of the interview, wouldn't look at any of our photos or documents, while at the same time insinuating our marriage was B.S. ?! This is sad. Seriously people. We have gone through hell being apart for years, we finally get an interview and this is how you treat people? I think the Napoleonic complex runs deep in some of these "civil servants". Just do your job. We don't need your judgments on our past relationships or professions. I was legally divorced, I make many times over what is needed for income. Requirements are met. So, why be a hater? Really, I'm appalled. Probably this review might get me some punitive retaliation, but you know what? I'm a tax paying citizen, so don't disrespect me based on your own questionable "morality".... how bout you give me a file with all the details of YOUR life and I can make loud and rude comments about it in front of a room full of people..... yeah, I don't think you'd have the guts.

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