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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #22239

Korea Review on July 27, 2017:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

Areum went to the appointment, which was scheduled for 0830, by herself because I was in the U.S. She arrived at 0745 and went to get her papers checked by the clerk. She was quickly informed that the form she was given at the police station was not correct. So she left quickly and retrieved the correct one. When she got back, she sat down with the many other people waiting. After a couple of hours, she was called for the interview. They asked the few very standard questions like where/when did you meet him, how did he propose, about her previous visits to the U.S. to see my family and me, and when/where we planned to marry. They also reviewed her "proof" of our relationship (photos and engagement ring) at this time. I suppose this was because I was not in attendance with her, but then they soon told her that she was approved and she would get her visa within five days! We are very excited and will soon book her flight to the U.S. The South Korean embassy was amazing. Areum went there nervous because she was anxious about speaking English during the interview. However, they all made her feel completely at ease and helped her through the entire process.

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