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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #22186

Frankfurt, Germany Review on July 20, 2017:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had my interview on July 18th and it was scheduled for 8:15am.
I was really nervous because my student visa was denied last year in December.

So .. I arrived around 8 I think and there was no one else but me in the 'immigrant' line outside. You wait in front of the white line until they call you up to Window 1 or 2. The officer asked me for what visa I applied and he and his supervisor congratulated me and were super nice. I was called to window 1 and they gave me a ticket with a number. I went through security check and even there everyone was so nice.

I went outside to the next building and I saw a young guy drinking out of his bottle in front of an officer to make sure there is no poison in it .. I started laughing because the officer was laughing about it too.

Inside the building I was told to go to window 22. I went there, a german guy took my passport and appointment confirmation page and said I've to sit down and wait until I was called up.
Then I had to go to window 20. A german young lady took my fingerprints, confirmed my address and name etc. and gave me a pamphlet about domestic violence. I had to sit down again and wait for my actual Interview.

I saw the young lady handling over my case to the american lady at window 18. I was staring at her and got scared because she looked so serious going through my documents and typing things in the computer. And then .. STAMP. After the interview I thought about it again and I'm pretty sure I was approved before the interview. My lawyer said they usually know before the interview if people get approved or not.

So I was called to window 18. The lady welcomed me and said 'Hey, nice to meet you Hannah'. She started smiling and asked me to raise my hand to take an oath and while she was saying the oath line she was smiling so hard that I thought she starts laughing now. (I'm sure they're tired of saying the line over and over again) I said 'Yes, I swear' and the interview started. It was more like a conversation. She asked me:

- where and when did you guys meet
- why did you go to the farmers market
- when did he propose
- did he visit you in Germany
- why where you in the US

And then she said everything looks fine and that I'm approved. I started crying the second she said it. I was so relieved. She didn't mention my previous denied student visa and didn't want to see any pictures. I asked her if she wants to see pics because I prepared so much and she smiled again and said she doesn't need to see anything but thanked me for preparing so much. (the lawyer only put 3 pics of us in our petition so I thought they want to see more).

I thanked her and she said my visa will arrive within the next 7-10 business days.

It was such a great experience and I was freaking out for no reason. This was the easiest part of the long process and I'm so happy. Just be prepared and honest. My visa was issued one day after the interview.

I was back at the hotel at 8:46 am so it went really quick. (from hotel it was a 10 minutes walk to embassy)

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