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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #22183

Korea Review on July 20, 2017:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

Fiancee had an appoint scheduled for 9am. She got there 15 minutes early and said there was an incredibly long line. She ended up waiting 3 hours to get in for her interview. Apparently there were a lot of people that weren't well prepared. Our documents were well organized with a cover letter and tabs to find specific items easily. The interview itself only took about 3 minutes. She was asked a few questions in English, nothing we didn't expect: how did you meet, what does he do, what are your plans in the US, etc. She was never asked if she wanted to do the interview in Korean or English so just be prepared to do it in English if you have to. Aside from the very long wait time she said the interview was very quick and friendly. They told her she was approved at the end of the interview and would receive her passport with the visa within 5 days.

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