London, United Kingdom | Review on November 29, 2007: | JandC

Rating: | Review Topic: K1 Visa
10th August 2007: I got the embassy about 20 minutes early and only had to que for about 15 mintues. When I went into the embassy I was given a number and went to take a seat. I waited about 30 minutes before I got called to the first window. The lady was American and didn't exactly radiate happiness but who can blame her? she was at work after all!! I gave her all the required documents/forms etc and paid for the visa. With no problems, I went and sat back down in the waiting area. After about another 30 mintues wait, in which I got talking to a couple of people, I was called again. The lady asked for more documents/forms and then asked some questions...how I met my fiance? Where he worked? etc etc. She started to hound me about one particular detail about how I got to know my fiance....she was trying to trip me up im sure but there was no chance of that seeing as she had nothing to trip me up with! After the 'questioning'..she said okay that's fine. Wanting a clearer statement than that I asked if that meant I was approved?...she said 'Yes, you are approved'...though she didn't exactly look happy about it. Over joyed...I skipped all the way to pay for my visa delivery. I left the embassy with the biggest smile on my face...I had that smile up until the day my fiance and I got married....and now it's even bigger!!!
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