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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #22115

Frankfurt, Germany Review on July 10, 2017:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had a very pleasant experience at the U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt. My appointment was at 7:30am and I arrived at the Consulate at 6:40 and did not have a problem to find a parking spot at all. I got in line and was literally the 3rd person to be called to the first window and then inside for security screening at 7:20am. At the security screening, I had to give away the X-Ray dvd from my medical appointment in exchange for a ticket to pick it up after my interview was done.
I then walked across a little yard into the actual building. At the reception, I had to show my appointment confirmation and was told to go to counter 22 which is the cashier and had to wait until a little after 7:30am for the cashier to arrive. He was very friendly and put my passport into a folder. After, he told me that I will be called at window 19 very shortly. Literally 5 minutes later, a friendly lady called my number and took my fingerprints and checked mine and my fiancé's addresses. She had my entire folder in front of her and asked for an additional phone number to be able to get in touch with me if needed. Lastly, she told me how I will be talking to a Consular Officer at window 18 very shortly and have my actual interview.
I waited for a little bit and was then called to window 18 by a very young and friendly woman. I greeter her in English so we just continued the conversation in English. She asked me exactly 2 questions after I took my oath and swore to "tell nothing but the truth" while holding up my right hand:
1) How and when did you and your fiancé meet?
2) Have you seen your fiancé since you came back from the U.S. after your Au-Pair time?
She was very relaxed and open and we were even able to joke a little. She smiled at me the entire time and calmed me down and after I answered these questions she said how she has heard enough and she can see that we are really excited to get married soon and congratulated me on my visa and upcoming wedding. I was overly prepared with proof and possible documents the officer might want to see but nothing was needed at all. I was out by 8:10

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