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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #22056

Frankfurt, Germany Review on July 3, 2017:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

Had a very pleasant experience at the consulate in Frankfurt!
My interview appointment was at 7.30 am. I got there at 7 and got into the right lane (US citiyen service). Which luckily was the much shorter one. At 7.20 they opened the counter, where they scanned my the DS160 confirmation page and put a receipt in my passport.
At the security check you put your things in a plastic bag and walk through a scanner like at the airport. In the next building i was sent to a counter where i handed over my passport. At the next one they took my fingerprints and double checked my address and phone number. At the third i had my interview with the officer. It was really quick.
He asked me :
When and where i met my fiance.
What is he doing for a living.
When we saw each other last time.
Where we would be living and what State that is in.

He handed me my original documents back, told me everything looks well and that they will issue my visa and i can expect it within the next 10 days.

I almost couldn't believe that was it and happily staggered out of the consulate. I was out by 8am!
Everyone in the consulate was very friendly and gave me a smile and well wishes, it was a great experience!

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