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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #21997

Frankfurt, Germany Review on June 21, 2017:

Doug and Silke

Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

We were the first to go through the electronic filing process at this Consulate..

As in anything, there are kinks in the process as they fine tune it. There was some mild confusion with regards to how they verify the documents in the system with the originals that you MUST bring with you because they will need to verify them. They only wanted to see Silke's notarized birth certificate and divorce decree to compare to what was on the screen. They asked nothing of me the petitioner as far as documentation. But obviously bring everything.

Our appointment was for 07:40 but that really only is to get you in line I believe at the consulate. Once you are in, you go to the cashier's window to pay any fees needing to be paid. We had none as we were all paid up.

We then got a ticket with a number and waited to be called. We then got a very nice woman who did the document verification with he documents I noted above. She explained he process very clearly to us.

We needed no receipts of relationship items. We needed no photos though we brought our wedding album.
Is it good to bring such things? Sure... I mean why not? If there were any doubts in the interview, then you would have evidence to support your case.

So the first process with the verification took about 15 minutes and that was only because we are the first to go through this process in Frankfurt.

We then took a seat to wait till we were called to another window for the interview with a consulate officer. The wait was about 30 minutes as he was the only officer and 3 people went before us.

He was very pleasant and very professional. He asked not hint of me only to ask "I assume you are the petitioner for Silke". I said yes and stated my name. He later towards the end asked what I did for a living.
There were very few questions he asked Silke. No gotcha questions. No telephone numbers or social security,birthdays, etc questions asked. Is that to say they never will again with this process? No.

I view it like this, these people have done this many years. They are a good judge when it comes to such things.
Based upon the overwhelming data provided with regards to my assets and seeing two people who matched, they have a good gut feeling.

He did ask us how we came to meet... How the relationship progressed afterward. How often we met because of the long distance relationship.. He only asked and did not ask for proof and again, it does no mean they never will.

I want to give all of you some common sense advice. I've been on the planet awhile and understand a few things.. Remember this is a US Government building and an official situation you are in. A smart person treats this somewhat like a job interview. How you dress in my opinion, makes a huge difference. It says much about you in this moment. I hate wearing a suit and tie.... guess what I wore? Yep... a suit and tie. Silke wore a lovely Conservative dress WITH sleeves. Get the picture?

Not that it should matter but she (as she always does) wore her cross necklace. I saw woman who's asses were falling out of "daisy duke" shorts, blue jeans and t shirts and just shook my head. I have to wonder sometimes how people can be so stuck on stupid.

So, have some respect or reverence in the situation. It tells the people behind the glass you have a clue about life..

So all told, we were in the building for about an hour. Most of that was waiting for the cashier window to open at 7:30 and then the window for documentation to open at 07:45, 15 minutes there, wait for the consulate officer for about 20 minutes and then our turn.

We stayed at the Best Western. If you stay, heck out the 1400 building across the street from the main hotel entrance. I think the hotel owns it? Cheap food and cheap beer. We sat outside in the inner courtyard.

The consulate is a short 8 minute walk.. Come out of the main entranceway of the hotel, walk to the right down that Main Street keeping the center train tracks to your LEFT. Down just about 500 meters you see a blue rectangular sign indicating a walkway with all beige paver stones. Take that all the way to the end... go right, pass the delivery entrance for the consulate and just about 200 meters beyond that is the entrance.

Hopefully.... you left you cellphone at the hotel..... It is the first thing you are asked by the nice German gentleman at the security check.

For visas, you will be in the line to the right. It is well identified. You will then be called to window #1 when it is your turn. You will present your passport. I the petitioner did as well. You then go through security and remove all contents from your pockets as well as a belt if wearing one. You will place it in a clear plastic bag and at the end of the check after you walk through a series of doors, put everything back on or in your person and lave the plastic bag in a bin. You then exit the security building and walk a short distance to the consulate building. You will see security personnel standing outside of the entrance. You go in and there will b a podium for check in Derry they will direct you from there which is likely as I said way upabove, is the cashier's window.

It was reiterated to us a couple times with the document verifier and the consulate officer that this new process is designed to shorten the process for petitioners and immigrants which is something the new President wanted. We were looking at Oct, Nov or Dec for our interview and were shocked when we got our date 1 day after completing the document upload process?

Remember this... More is less.. I gave them 4 years of tax returns, 4 W2's, 4 payroll stubs, my social security statement as I already have enough credits, my pension info as well as 401k info. It assured the Govt Silke would NEVER be a burden to the US taxpayer.

So now it is a matter of Silke giving notice to her employer which unfortunately will be a few month because of the length of time she's been there. German law but it works both ways.... she has compensatory time to sell back so maybe sooner..

The wait was worth it because I found a diamond in the rough. She is a beautiful human being.
I was not nervous at all through this last step as I knew I was prepared and I believe having the financial wherewithal can make a difference. Being on the margins more than likely opens you up to possibly more scrutiny.

Best of luck to all of of you in this Visa Journey...

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