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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #21836

Frankfurt, Germany Review on May 21, 2017:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

It was super quick. I got to the embassy at about 6:30 and met three people already on the queue. Non-Immigrant on the left and Immigrant on the right. But we had to wait until about almost 8am to be let into the embassy and it was so cold. So come with a jacket and am glad I had one on. I was then called to the the first window outside the embassy where the lady tagged my passport and then asked me to wait around the corner and there I had to take out anything I had and put them in a transparent bag. After that we were let into the embassy in sets of 5 and we put our things in a box (wait until the security guys say you should put them in) he says loudly to wait until asked to put in. After the security check in we walked to a second building where I was asked to go window 22. I was the first one to be attended to and the man asked for my appointment confirmation which also served as proof of payment which I gave to him and he asked me to go back and wait in the large seating area . After a while I was called to window 19 and a woman attended to me and asked me if I wanted to speak English or German I said English and then she went ahead to confirm my details and the name of my Fiancee and explained how I would receive my visa packet and gave me a domestic violence form and told me to go back and wait to be called by the consul. After about 10 minutes or so I was called by number which appeared on the screen above me to be Interviewed by the consul and he asked to swear that I would tell the truth and nothing but the truth and I said yes. So he asked me why I want to marry my Fiancee and I said because I love here and he said yes I get that but why, I said she is kind caring and she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He asked what my Fiancee does and I told him . The he asked where I met my fiancee and I said online and he the asked if I have seen my fiancee and I said twice and he said everything looks good you will get your visa in 1 week via Deutsche post and congrats on your Marriage.
Everything took about 30 minutes. I left the embassy at 8:30 am.
Please keep your electronics and keys at home am glad I left my phone in a safe at my hostel because the kiosk was not open at the time I arrived. The Kiosk is 200 meters from the embassy.

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