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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #21830

Frankfurt, Germany Review on May 19, 2017:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

My whole experience with the consulate in Frankfurt was very smooth and straight forward. Paket 3 and 4 were sent out quickly and I didn't have to wait long for my appointment.
My experience for my interview was very good too. I had an appointment at 7.15am and arrived at 7am. I left all my electronics in a locker at the Hbf. When I arrived an officer asked me what visum I was there for and told me what line to wait in. I had to wait about 40 minutes in front of the embassy before I got a number at a window. You then have to go through security which is similar to the airport. Once you're inside the embassy, you have to walk to another building in which a receptionist tells you where to go next. That building is a huge room with lots of windows with officers behind it on the walls and a bunch of waiting chairs in the middle. First I had to go to a window at which an officer checked that I payed the visa fee. After more waiting another officer at a different window checked that all my paper work was in order and took my finger prints. Lastly I had to do the actual interview with another officer. He made me swear to tell the truth and then asked me a couple of questions about my fiance and me, how we met, wjat our future plans are etc. There were a couple trick questions in there but nothing you can't answer if you know you're fiance. At the end he told me that everything was fine and that I would get my passport with the visa back within a week. Overall every officer I talked to was extremely friendly and helpful and I was out of the embassy after 2 hours

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