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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #21048

Frankfurt, Germany Review on December 16, 2016:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

My experience at the Frankfurt Consulate was great. Everyone was extremely polite and efficient. The security officers were very nice. I arrived at 9:20 and my interview was at 9:30. I was guided to the waiting area to wait until I was called up to do an identity verification. After that, I waited until I was called up for my official interview. They asked me:

1. Why did you decide to marry your fiancee?
2. How did you meet?
3. How do you plan on supporting yourselves financially?
4. Where will you live?
5. What does your fiancee do?

The officer interviewing me made it more like a conversation and joked about how easy our case was. At the end, he told me "everything looks good for you. Your visa has been approved." I was in the consulate for 1.5-2 hours. The process took my fiancee and I four months from filing to approval. August 15th-December 15th. :D

Special Notes:
1. Stay calm. The people there were polite and it went smoothly. It was the easiest part of the process.
2. I'm a Bosnian citizen/German permanent resident and since my passport is Bosnian, I had to show my permanent residency card at the interview.

Best of luck to all future applicants! :D

(updated on December 18, 2016)

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