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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #20919

Frankfurt, Germany Review on November 21, 2016:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

So this is my review for the interview at frankfurt and since i liked reading other reviews i'll write one too. So my interview was 9:45 i got there 9:30 it was very empty that time. Sometimes you wonder while filing all the stuff why it is so complicated and so many things to do. So when you get there you finally know why. So there is two lines where you can wait, the security guy will ask you what kind of visa you have and he will point you to the right lane. Then at the first window you'll give them your passport and the confirmation page. They will check that and put a waiting number in your passport. Then you go back to the left side of the line you waited for security. Don't worry everything is marked on the ground or with signs. Just look around and you'll find it all easy. In the security line you put everything yourself in a plastic bag and then wait at the line until the door opens ( watch the person in the window right to the door for instructions. In the small building you'll have your airport style security the officer told us that it's not necessary to rush. It doesn't matter if you're late as long as you get there at your interview date. After security take your belongings and walk the path to the next building. In there you can put your stuff out of the bag and you'll go then to the little reception table. The lady will hand you out some instructions for the process and will tell you to go to window 22 wich is in the corner behind the pink wall, just next to the windows 18-19-20 you'll find it easy. At window 22 they will check your payment and then you take a seat in front of the windows the officer told you. It was really empty that day so i was next after a few minutes. You'll see your waiting number and the window you have to go to next. There is always a ringing sound when the next person is asked to come so just be patient and relax. The next window you'll take your fingerprints and you'll check your personal information with the officer he also asked me if i did my medical since it wasn't ready yet. And when i was planning to travel. After that you go straight back and take a seat. The next thing will be the interview with the consult. It was pretty chill and it was the same questions other people got so i don't wanna get too much into that. After the interview you'll get your original documents back and a checklist where you can see what's missing. If you missed anything. All in all it was fast and smooth. After the interview you can buy yourself some ice cream etc if you want, or just leave straight back the way you came in. 30 minutes all in all that was really fast and they had very friendly stuff so i hope you'll have that too.
That's my review for you let me know if it was helpful or if you have more questions. Sorry for no chapters or anything but you'll live. Good luck for your interview and journey to all who read this . Don't be nervous you have nothing to worry about.
PS: They have printers money exchange maschines and photo booths. If you need to print anything or take a passport style picture you can do this in there too ( the waiting hall)

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