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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #2080

London, United Kingdom Review on October 4, 2007:


Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

3 and half, 4 hours all together. Waiting was... well, boring. But it could be so much worse. It's very well organised for the volume of people they have to deal with (of whom most are for non-immigrant visas). The line outside was the longest wait (about 1:45-2hrs... i didn't have a watch so I'm guessing here), but I arrive an hour before my appointment time. Most people around me had the appointment for a half an hour earlier... it makes no difference.

Once in it was about half an hour before being called the first time to submit all the original papers and one copy each. The lady was pleasant, although I could barely hear her thru the glass.

Got sent back into the waiting area, after clearing up a couple of confusing points (tax stuff).... waited another half an hour, got called again, to a different lady. Raised my right arm and swore... not a four letter word this time.

She said, that's it, providing all is in order I should go and arrange the courier. I did just that (another 15 minute wait), got given my chest X ray image to take to POE (what the heck for I don't know)... and that was it.

If everything in america goes this well orgnised, I'm not worried. Yes it's 3 hours but you never feel like they forgot about you, it's just sheer volume management.


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