Columbus OH | Review on August 4, 2016: | kk090107
Rating: | Review Topic: Adjustment of Status
We got there at 9am, our appointment was scheduled for 930, we got called back together at 10am and were done by 1015. Officer was a woman, very nice. They asked me for my bio info then asked my wife for hers. Looked at our passports. They also asked us both to give the full name, place of birth, and birthday of the other. Asked questions of my wife about past J1 visa and if she completed the 2 year homestay requirement and then the standard are you a criminal questions. Also asked on what visa she entered with this time which was a tourist visa. Thought we met at the university where I currently work and where my wife used to work and we clarified that we met 5 years before that so she Asked when we met and where we met. She then asked if we had anything new to add and we gave them a copy of our house contract that we bought together, copies of the health and life insurance that show her as the beneficiary and that she is on my health insurance from work, joint light bill. Looked at my old passport with my first trips to Guatemala. We had a picture album from the last 9 years that we flipped through with her and told her who everyone was and the trips we had taken together and the trips to Guatemala and her to the US, pics of me with her family, her with my family, when our mothers met each other, my dog in Guatemala with her niece, pictures of us here in Columbus with friends. After we finished the album (about 60 pics of 1000s that we have taken) she looked through a photo book she gave me when we got married and also glanced at our wedding photo book. Gave the photos back to us but kept the house contact and insurance information and then said she had everything she needed to approve our application and that we should expect the green card in 2-3 weeks! No stamp but we are extremely excited and relieved.
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