| Review on September 3, 2007: | Uzume

Rating: | Review Topic: General Review
Very odd experience - I arrived at 8am (1 hour early) and after going through the completely dehumanising entry with non smiling officials, I then went to wait for my number to be called in the waiting area. My number was really high compared to the ones being called but don't be put off because the different visa types all have a different start number.
Waited about 30 mins for part 1 - showing documents & fingerprinting, then waited for number to be called again.
The actual interview was very quick indeed. Gave birth certificate and police form, he then went through the financial support information.
BE WARNED - They went ONLY on last year's tax return. They weren't interested in all the letters I had from his current employment (in local government) which clearly showed that he fulfilled their requirements. Had I not been selling my house at a profit (luckily I took the letter from my estate agent with me), they would have denied my visa!!!
I now have to return a letter from my mortgage company stating my outstanding balance and they will grant the visa.
It was a little nerve wracking but much quicker and straight forward than I thought it would be.
I took letters, wedding invitation, photos etc but they didn't ask for any of them. They asked me one question "How did you meet your fiance", but that was it.
The guy was as friendly as an immigration worker could be I suppose, and did put me at ease when I told him we had met on the interned. He said that anyone under 21 would just see that as a normal process and it's only people over this that worry about any stigma.
All in all, an OK experience. It was very odd to be in London and waiting to catch the 10.30 am train home. It felt like I had been there all day.
Good luck to everyone who is yet to go and please feel free to email me if you are worried about anything. I won't have all the answers but can share my experience further if it will help.
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