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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #19602

Detroit MI Review on May 27, 2016:


Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

On May 25, 2016 I had my AoS Interview to be granted for a 2 years Green Card.
We get in at 2:25pm, the exact time of my interview, and we got called right away.
Everybody were super friendly (from the guards at the entrance to the front desk).
The IO was really nice, and you could tell he just wanted to be over with the interview because, as he told us, he already interviewed more than 20 couple that day.
He really didn't ask us much questions, he asked me to confirm information that I put in the I-485 AoS, and he asked my husband when he came to Italy, and how we met.
That's pretty much all.
I noticed he was observing our posture, especially when I reached my husband hand and I put my head on his shoulder (we were sitting right next to each other), I noticed he gave an importance to that gesture.
So, body language is really important also in this kind of interview!
He made us do an oath, and he asked me if I had support documents to add.
I gave him: photos, text, join tax refund and joint health insurance.
He told us that this Friday (today) he would review all the interview made that day, and he will most likely grant the Green Card.
He told us to remember to file for Removal of Conditions before 90 days of expiration of the Green Card, and we were good to go!!
We were out after about a half hour.
Really quick! Everybody easygoing! Good luck to everyone!

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