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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #19209

Detroit MI Review on March 30, 2016:


Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our interview was scheduled at 2:30pm and we walked into the building around 1:50. Went through security and everything, no problem. And we checked in at the front desk (1:51) the girl stamped on my AOS interview notice..and was directed to the waiting area (another big room on the right hand side of the building..the thing that bothers me is that a LOT of people were on their phones, playing games and talking (aren't you suppose to leave your cellphones in your car?)

We waited for about half an hour and a Hispanic lady called my name and led us into the other side of the room - it looks like regular separated offices inside, quiet but nice.

She led us into her room and let us in first. After closing the door, she asked us to remain standing and took oath (truth and truth only) and let us sit. You can tell she's in a really good mood since she was humming while walking down the hallway with us.

She checked my name and DOB, asked where and how we met (Match.com) and asked a few questions (my husband was born in LA and then moved to Michigan when he was 2), she asked us if he was in LA by the time we met etc. and we talked a little bit about our story and then she sat back and asked my husband about his job - my husband is a surgical tech and he deals with a lot of the lap-band cases and she actually showed great interest and asked him a few questions (did it work? does it last? etc.)

It was pretty relax and I feel like it's more of a chat than interview, she then asked me if I have brought anything to show our marriage is bona fide and I took out all my documents (with different colors of tabs that I made) and started to hand over to her. She looked surprised (of how organized of documents are), and asked me what kind of job I do for a living (well, accountant, and after dealing with auditors for years, I kinda grow into the habit of labeling things and well-organize all the documents).

I brought and showed her a few insurance papers (life, health, dental, and auto) and before she had time to go through all of them, she spotted the album we bought with our puppy on the cover. She looked super glad all of a sudden and said "well, as long as I know you are a dog person, we are good here. NO more questions!"

LOL, then we started chatting about dogs and towards the end, she went through all the AOS yes/no questions and handed me over a piece of paper, stating that we need to co-file the ROC 90-day before our two-year anniversary.

Overall, it went pretty well...she walked us out and made a copy of certified marriage license (which we already submit along with the i485 package) and asked us to say hi to our puppy...

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