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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #18754

Frankfurt, Germany Review on January 15, 2016:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

I was very nervous about my interview, I ran through hundreds of possible questions in my head and printed out a thick folder of additional proof of our relationship to bring with me. Everything turned out fine! Nobody cared about the folder (the only thing I needed was my passprt) and the interview turned out to be more of a pleasant chat. Everybody there is extremely friendly and relaxed, yet professional.
The interview was short (7 min max) and questions were:

How did you meet?
How did he propose to you?
Who is (name of joint sponsor)?
What do your wedding plans look like? (we had very general plans, nothing booked, it was fine)

Just as I started to relax and actually enjoy the conversation, he said "ok, you're approved"

Most people there talked to me in German, the interview itself was in English. The waiting time was shorter than expected, I walked in at around 7:30 and was out at 9:15am.

One thing I was uncertain about was my outfit. Blazer, Blouse and matchings pants felt like almost slightly too much. While most people wore (very) casual business attire to just plain casual (meaning employees as well as people in the waiting area), I recommend something nicer than your everyday street clothes, since it is an official interview and the interviewer himself and some other officials wore full suits.

If you travel there by train, you can leave your phone and any other electronics at the kiosk right by the station Gießener Strasse. They did not allow me in with my phone and I had to walk back there

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