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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #18600

Frankfurt, Germany Review on December 19, 2015:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

I am the USC and submitting based on what my fiance told me. His original appointment was Dec 10, but the train was late and he missed his connection. By the time he arrived at the consulate, it was closed. We were able to reschedule for Dec 17. When he got there for the Dec 17 appt, the consulate had no record of his appointment being that date nor did he have the appointment printout confirmation or his phone to prove it. They did allow him to interview anyway. He found everyone and the process to be relaxed. He did not have a good experience at the Berlin Consulate when he applied for his student visa, so he was expecting a repeat of that, but was pleasantly surprised.

After going through security, he went to a window to talk with a woman who verified all the paperwork was there. He then had to wait for the interview portion. A male officer interviewed him. He asked why my fiance missed the appointment last week. My fiance explained the train. The CO asked how we met and if we have seen each other since my fiance left the US in 2013. Then the CO asked if my fiance had ever heard of the Big Bang Theory since my fiance is an experimental physicist. They chatted about that for a bit and that was the end. My fiance said it was more like a casual conversation rather than an interview.

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