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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #18457

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Review on November 28, 2015:

Becca and Doody

Review Topic: K1 Visa

The embassy in Riyadh recieved our file and contacted us with packet 3 right away. After this however it was difficult to contact the embassy (only through email). Sometimes they would reply sometimes they would not. After sending in the required documents it took about a month and a half before being scheduled for the interview. And the interview was only 6 days after being notified with the packet 4 email. Very short notice.

His interview was on a Wednesday at 12:30pm. He was in and out in about an hour. Not much waiting. He was first asked for the email with his interview appointment and his passport. Then, he was asked for the original receipt for the payment through SAMBA bank. He was also asked for his original birth certificate and english translation, police certificate, medical, affidavit of support and supporting documents, and any additional pictures we had of us together. The officer did not request any evidence of meeting such as out hotel invoices, passport stamps etc., or conversations. This was not even taken from him. The pictures were returned with the original birth certificate. The other documents were kept.

My fiancé said his interview was fairly easy, nothing to worry about. Around 80% of the questions were about me (the petitioner) and 20% about him. There were two different officers who gave the interviews.
The first thing they asked him was who is your fiancé and what is her full name?
How do you know her/meet her?
How many times have you seen/meet her?
How did she come to Saudi Arabia?
You don't speak much English, how do you talk with her?
You got engaged 4 months after meeting?
How old is she?
What are her mother's, father's, brother's names?
Where is she now?
What is she studying? Which department?
Is she working in Qatar? When will she be finished there?
Which city in the US does she live?
Who is the joint sponsor, how is she related?

He said they asked a lot.... they asked everything. But it was easy. He knew all the answers and we didn't have to prepare for the questions.

The interview went well and he was approved. They were ready to take his passport but we were lacking 2013 and 2014 tax returns so he was issued 221(g) and returned his passport. He was given another paper instructing him to mail the tax documents and his passport back to the embassy via SMSA and the visa would be issued.

If you have any questions about the K1 process at the US embassy in Riyadh feel free to ask me and good luck to everyone!

سوف اتكلم عن تجربتي ، المقابله الشخصيه في السفارة فيزا خطيب ، لايوجد اي شيء يدعي للتوتر فقط كن مبتسم وهاديء ،
اولا : طلب مني ورقة الموعد للمقابلة + جواز السفر ،
ثانيا: طلب سند بنك سامبا ،
ثالثا: شهادة ميلاد الاصليه + المترجم بللغة الانجليزيه ،
رابعا: شهادة الشرطة .
خامسا: الفحص الطبي
سادسا: الضمان المالي + اوراق ومستندات الضرايب للخطيبه و الضمان المالي .
سابعا: المزيد من الصور لي ولخطيبتي .

والاسئلة تكون حول الخطيبه بصفة عامة وهيا اسئلة من المفترض معرفتها حول خطيبتك بصفة عامة ، واسئلة عاديه جدا عن نفسك .

مع تمنياتي لكم بالتوفيق

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