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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #18213

Frankfurt, Germany Review on October 29, 2015:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

My appointment was September 15th at 8:15am.

Prior to my appointment, we were so nervous about getting there on time we even did a "test run" a few times.

Turns out, it was super easy to get consulate!! So easy in fact, we got there around 7:20am...

Anywhosies. Everyone at the entrance was so amazingly friendly. Everything ran completely smooth and everything was perfectly explained.

Things to consider, if your american fiancee is coming to the appointment with you, make sure he/she brings his/her american passport. Also no electronics!

There was absolutely no problem with my fiancee coming in with me. There was also no problem that we came nearly an hour earlier, no one cared.

Went through the process and the last step was waiting to talk to the officer. Everyone so far had made us feel extremely calm, they were all very friendly, even making jokes!

Our interviewing officer was a lady, who was absolutely amazing. I've had a lot of US visas issued to me over my life-time, a very confusing timeline, so I was aware that she might ask us more questions beyond the "How did you meet?" stuff. She started off with basic questions, many of them being about my fiancee. Afterwards she graduated into more questions about my past. She actually took time to listen to all of my explanations and asked real questions instead of basic surface questions. She even made small talk with me!

At the end of the conversations she told me that she needed a little more time to come to a conclusion and explained to me that she needed to do this to make sure I had no problems when flying into customs. She issued me a 221g for administrative processing.

About 44 days after the interview I got my visa issued! Yayy!!!! I am super pleased with this embassy, and I've been to a LOT of US embassies.

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