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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #1791

New Delhi, India Review on July 14, 2007:


Review Topic: K3 Visa

Manoj's interview was scheduled at 8 a.m. We arrived at the consulate around 7:30 to a line of people already waiting. I was so afraid that due to the number of people already waiting that we would be late, however, once they opened the line for business, it flowed fairly quickly and easily.

We got into the embassy around 8:15 and were told to wait. After about 20 minutes or so, Manoj was called to the first window. The gentleman asked if we had a co-sponsor and I asked why would we need one when I make more than double the amount we needed. He verified the household number, looked at the job letter and check stubs I brought with me and said okay. He also looked at my taxes. He kept the copy of my job letter that I brought even though all of these things had already been submitted to VFS prior to the interview.

After verifying the documents, he handed us the originals back that had been submitted at the VFS and told us to go pay the visa fee and bring him back the receipt. We did so, and were told to wait until we are called again. This time we waited for about an hour and twenty or so. I read magazines and books that I had brought with me while Manoj paced the floor every few minutes. Finally Manoj's name was called and we both approached the window. We went to another window where Manoj was told to put each of his index fingers in the fingerprint scanner. The very first thing she asked for was Manoj's police clearance from Saudi Arabia. Manoj looked like a truck hit him. I then said to the lady that we were told we didn't need one-that according to the state department, Saudi is on the reprocity table as being one of the countries that will not give police clearances to anyone who is not a resident or native of Saudi. She then said, no that's not what I'm showing. To which I responded...well I asked the embassy here and they explicitly told me that we didn't need it. That's when I pulled out the email from the Delhi Embassy with my question about the need for the Saudi police clearance and their response CLEARLY stating we didn't need it. The interviewer smiled and said “well it is not unusual that we sometimes give incorrect information. She said “no worries, it's simply a formality”and then asked if she could keep my copy of the email for his file. I said sure. She then asked how we met. Manoj told her. She then asked Manoj if this was his first marriage to which he responded yes. She said to him, “that's rather unsual for a man in India isn't it?” to which he said yes and I laughed and chimed in “but lucky for me!” The interviewer then asked him what was his line of work and he told her. She then asked if he planned on continuing in that field and he said yes. She then told him “well everything looks in order to me if nothing else comes up then you will receive your visa and passport by courier in a week to 10 business days sometimes sooner.” I went YES!!! Baby you're coming home!! The interviewer smiled and i then asked her if it was possible to get the visa earlier by picking it up. She said yes and told us the procedure to pick it up at the embassy then told us to double check with another guy at another window. He told us to check with VFS the following day or Wednesday at the latest.

The following morning I did as he said, to call the VFS in the morning and check with them before they couriered it out. VFS said call back in the afternoon which we did. We were told the embassy still had the passport. UHOH...we begin to get a little jittery because of all the cases on here where people have been told they are approved only to find out later they are on AP. At that point, I say to hubby, “let's just go to the embassy to check.” Good thing we did because they had the passport with visa and that famous sealed brown envelope waiting for us there. This shows that it doesn't hurt to check all avenues. Now we're waiting to fly home together on Friday and start a life together that doesn't include a transcontinental flight every other month.

Tip1: Even when you submit things to the VFS it is apparent that they don't look closely at the documents. For income verification Manoj had submitted a copy of my job letter from stating my title, start date, salary and status. I had also submitted a copy of my bank statements from the last 12 months showing the monthly child support payments from my ex husband. Fortunately I had the foresight to get an updated job letter prior to my departure to India for the interview and to make a copy of all my taxes along with w-2's because not only did they look at them but also kept the copies I brought even though the same thing had been submitted to VFS.

Tip 2: Always document document document and take that documentation with you. The email I saved from the Delhi embassy about Manoj's need for a police clearance certificate from Saudi quite possibly saved us from being placed on AP. The beautiful thing about God's saving grace is that is always right on time. I'll give you an example. The email response from the embassy that I'm referring to was the last thing on my mind. However, that morning only 10 minutes before leaving the house, something inside said “maybe you should take a printout of that email.” I'm glad I did.

Tip 3: Don't be afraid to follow your gut instinct and follow-up on all angles. If we had listened to the second person who said to pick up the passport from VFS we would still be anxiously waiting.

Tip 4: Be organized. The night before the interview we arranged different folders with different things so they would be readily accessible. For example..all financial related things went into the financial folder...all phone records, airline stubs, cards etc went into the evidence folder etc. It helped because when you're nervous you don't want to be shuffling through a million different pieces of paper. When you're flustered, it's easy to overlook something that is right in front of you.

Tip 5: Which really should be Tip One...SUBMIT THE PAPERWORK AT THE VFS PRIOR TO INTERVIEW. The one thing Manoj and I noticed is that those people who waited until the day of the interview to submit their paperwork got sent to different queues, and had much longer waits. I was concerned about VFS not documenting everything or losing something we had given them but I worried unnecessarily because they have a well organized system and they receipt everything you give them.

In our case, the interview lasted for less than five minutes and we're on our way home. Manoj said the one thing he wanted people to know is that the interview was MUCH MUCH easier than he expected and that he had needlessly worked himself up to think it was going to be much worst. Good luck to everyone on your journey. I hope this extra long post helped boost at least one person's confidence on their process.

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