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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #17663

Frankfurt, Germany Review on August 26, 2015:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

My review was almost identical to everyone else's.

I arrived at 7:20 for my 7:45 appointment and was out at 8:30.

K1 visas should get in the 'all other visas' line - it's much faster! After doing this, I received my ticket number and proceeded through security. All I had was my paperwork (I didn't actually need anything but my passport and appointment confirmation but I brought it all anyway), wallet and keys so no issues there.

I went into the large room and the ladies at the desk directed me straight to window 22. My fee was already paid, so he simply located me file, took my passport and asked me to sit down and wait for my number to be called.
After about 5 minutes I was called to window 20 where they took my biometrics and ran through the details of my application (names, addresses etc.).

Then I waited for about 15 minutes for my interview. While waiting, however, an extremely loud alarm started sounding, with a siren and an american voice warning people to evacuate/get on the floor in the centre of the room. It was pretty scary because it was so loud, and I thought we were under attack at first! But then I realised the staff weren't doing anything so I suppose it was just a safety drill. Weird.

Anyway, I was finally called for my interview and she was very nice. She asked me the following questions:
- Where did we meet?
- When was that?
- How long was I in the US for (I was on a J1 visa)
- What did we do when my visa ran out (we went to Australia for a year)
- What I'm doing in Germany (both here on working holiday visas).
Then that was it! She said my application was great and the visa was approved and I'd receive it within a week.
I just checked my status online and it already says 'in Administrative Processing' which is so fast! Hoping to receive my visa in just 2 days.
Good luck everyone and relax - you have absolutely nothing to worry about here

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