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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #17484

Frankfurt, Germany Review on August 5, 2015:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

So i won't go to much into detail with my review because it's pretty much the same as with all the others before me. I had today my Interview at 7.45 AM.

Got into the line gave the lady on Window 1 my passport she gave me a number, well at the Security check did we (me and the security guy) realize my braclett is a bluetooth one ..so he was like well you go now down the road to the kiosk and give it to them. I was like alright ..me jogging over --almost running back to the embassy :D. Made it in time to the lady on window 1 - through the security check - into a other check - over in the other building. Then Information (where u get a info sheet - what to do next), then followed the sheet. At first Cashier - then Fingerprints on a other window (the dude explains you everything in German / Cashier as well). Then maybe 15 to 20 minutes later - did the embassy lady called my name - (window 18 mostly). We had a nice conversation after I swore the oath.

She asked me just 2 questions that was the whole Interview :D

Where did you and Charles met first?
What is hs Occupation?

That was it -- Interview done --> Visa Issued.

Really very friendly people - I had an amazing experience with them =)

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