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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #17402

Frankfurt, Germany Review on July 24, 2015:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

The entire experience was excellent.

Our official appointment was at 7:45am We were there by about 7am because we were staying at Hotel Aria (also excellent and very helpful about storing our baggage while we were at the consulate) and misjudged how quickly we would get there. They had us line up outside first, we were second in line, but also allowed a handicapped gentleman to go ahead of us so he didnt have to spend longer standing around.

We went to window 2 outside and received a number, a sticker on Chris' passport, and a visitor card in mine. We went to the next line where they give you a plastic bag for anything in your pockets, your belt, sunglasses, etc. Next, 5 people go in the dorr to security at a time; this is the only area where we ran into difficulty. They did not care that we were together and would not allow Chris to wait or me to go in. He had no issues; I had a man yell at me for stepping up to the line that I have to step up to the line and wait to be called. He seemed like disgruntled former airport security, but we got through ok anyhow. They misplaced my passport on the band, so Chris had to go outside the next door to wait, but wasnt allowed to wait, so he walked very slowly while I got my passport and ran to catch up with him. The security guard apologized, but it seems her higher ups dont like people standing in the courtyard.

We now entered the main building, were sent directly to window 22, where the cashier was absolutely lovely, said all was done, and told us to wait to be called to windows 19, 20 or 21. That was the information guy who just double checked the addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth (which is good, because they accidentally transposed the month in the system, though I had it correct on my forms), took Chris' fingerprints, explained the packets that will come in the mail after approval, and gave him a flyer on domestic abuse laws in the US.

Then we waited for the vice consul at window 18; she doesnt get in until 8am. She was great, didnt worry when Chris began to get nervous, and let me stay at the window with him. He did look to me to answer once, and I simply said I couldnt answer for him, I could only be there with him, and she thanked me and told him to relax.

She asked:
How did you two meet?
Did you start dating immediately?
What was I doing in Germany?
What I do for work and if I still do that?
Has he been to NY?
And have we met each others families?

She then approved us and said we should have the visa soon.

Overall it was painless except for getting split up and having to run after him until we got to the main room. The set up is great; they have drinking fountains, a little corner to buy sodas and juices, computers, a postage stamp and change machine, a copier, basically anything you could need in case it was forgotten, or in case they needed more information, is provided for you. Everyone had a great sense of humor and everyone was helpful.

Also, they do have a sign outside saying applicants only beyond this point. The man outside does not mind the petitioner or family being there for moral support, in fact, he "turned the sign off" for me by just turning that piece of paper over so no one could see it anymore when I asked if that meant I had to stay outside. Really a lovely bunch of people.

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