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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #17322

Moscow, Russia Review on July 15, 2015:



Review Topic: General Review

Hello everyone!!! The following is a review of our experience at the US embassy in Moscow, Russia.... Our appointment was set by the NVC for June 29 @ 8am (most appointments are set for 8am) I highly recommend staying at People Hostel the night before your interview. It is located on the same street as the embassy literally just steps away. It is clean, comfortable and cheap. My wife booked us a room about a month in advance for 2000 rubles. Trust me you don't want to be running around the city by metro trying to get to your interview on time. Play it safe and stay at people hostel you won't regret it. So with documents on hand we decided to head over to the interview at 7:10am to be one of the first on line. We arrived at the embassy by 7:15 and there were already about 20 people waiting there. Make sure you have passports, interview letter and document delivery letter in your hand to show the security officer in the first line. After he verifies that you have an interview he will let you pass to the second line which is a security checkpoint. We decided to go to the interview with just the essentials and suggest that you do the same. We saw quite a few people sent out because they were carrying "prohibited" items. These may include water bottles, food, headphones and while you are allowed to bring your phone you still have to check it so it is a waste of time. As a US citizen I was allowed to accompany my wife inside and once we passed the security check point we waited on the final security line which is a metal detector /x-ray at this point a man came in asking who was there for immigration visas as soon as we said a word he escorted us to the front of the line and we went right in. Once we passed the last security checkpoint we waited on one final line where my wife showed her passport, interview letter and document delivery confirmation. They gave her a laminated sheet of paper and told us to go upstairs to window 22. Just follow the green and red dots on the floor and you will find your way to it. When we arrived we were second in line and we're waiting for them to begin working by this time it was about 7:45,7:50. By 8 am the tiny room was filled and the window opened, a frantic lady jumped in front of us and so we were now 3rd in line but that's fine cus 3 is my lucky number. When the window opens everyone goes up hands over the laminated sheet you got downstairs along with your interview and document delivery letter and you are assigned a number. At this point you take a seat and wait to be called back up to one of the two windows. When you are called back up they just review your file for any missing documents or updated documents. We had everything in order but we still handed in my cosponsors 2014 taxes and an updated police certificate for my wife. The woman behind the window was satisfied, gave my wife some reading material and another laminated sheet and we sat down to wait. It was now about 8:25. At exactly 8:40 our number came up on the screen and we went to room 25, they say window but it's a small room. We walk in with my wife and introduce ourselves, the counselor officer asks what language my wife is comfortable conducting the interview in so my wife says English. At this point we sit down and my wife takes the oath, do you swear to tell the truth... The interview officer seemed angry at first but she actually turned out to be very nice. She asked my wife the following questions. 1. Where and how did you meet? 2. How many times have you been to the US? 3. Did you ever have trouble at a point of entry? 4. What kind of study program did you participate in? Then she turned to me and asked me 1. You communicate with your wife in English do you know any russian? 2. So you will live with your parents in new York? (my father is our cosponsor at same address) at this point the consular officer turned to her computer and began typing away for about a minute so my wife began to get nervous and started showing the consular officer pictures that's when the officer said no that's not necessary I have everything I need you have a very well prepared package. ( thanks visajourney ;-)).. Then she said I am just finishing up congratulations your visa is approved! My wife said really?! And begin to cru, we hugged and kissed then small talked with the officer a little and left. The interview took about 5 mins, we were out of the room by 8:45 and with all the commotion forgot to return the blue laminated sheet to the officer so I went back up to return it. In conclusion, be prepared make sure you have everything you need and photocopies of everything as well, pictures, medical, be prepared my wife and I were very prepared because it's better to have something and not need it than to need it and not have it. Arrive on time, be polite and people will be polite back. Our experience was a very pleasant one and I know not everyone's is but if you have all Your documents in order and are prepared then everything should turn out fine.

(updated on July 15, 2015)

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