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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #17215

Nicaragua Review on July 1, 2015:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

Fiance's appointment was scheduled for 8am. He arrived at 7am and said there was a long line of people waiting outside already. His friend accompanied him but they did not let him into the embassy. He passed through 2 security checkpoints and at one he was asked to open the medical packet.

Once inside he waited until his number was called (was given a number upon entering) and was attended first by a Nicaraguan official (woman). He said she was very nice. She asked him for the following documents:

- DS-160 *
- I-134*
- Declaración de impuestos para 3 anos mas recientes de cuidadana (tax returns)*
- 4 fotos de tamano visa*
- Cedula original (no fotocopia)*
- Exámenes médicos*
- Pasaporte*
- Record de policía*
- Recibo de pago de visa (copia de correo electronico que confirma pago de visa en linea)*
- certificado de soltería from Registro Civil in Managua*
- copia de confirmacion de aprobacion de peticion K-1 de USCIS (copy of NOA2)

She asked him the following questions:

Cual es su cumpleano de su novia?
Ella tiene hijos?
Usted tiene hijos?
Cuanto gana tu novia?
En que trabaja sus padres de tu novia?
Su novia tiene hermanas o hermanos?
Cuales son sus sus cumpleanos? (el no pudo responder esto entonces le preguntaron lo siguiente)
Cuantos anos tienen cada uno de ellos?

The lady kept all the forms he passed to her and asked him to sit back down until he was called to a window to speak to an American official. She passed on all the documents to the official. When he was finally called up to the window he was asked to give support for the ongoing relationship. The American was male and my fiancé said he was a friendly and calm person. My fiance submitted the following:

- fotos de la visita mas reciente que yo (novia) hice a Nicaragua
- boletos de avion de mi viaje (yo la novia) a Nicaragua
- Recibos de compras y actividades que hicimos juntos durante mi visita
- tarjetas de san valentin y felicitacion de su promocion que le mande en el ultimo ano.

He asked my fiancé the following questions:

- En que trabaja su novia? / Que es su ocupacion?
- En que trabaja su padre de su novia?
- Cuando se comprometieron?
- Porque se comprometio con ella?
- Cuantas veces la has visto en persona?
- Cuando era la ultima vez que ella vino a visitarte?
- Quien estara presente en su boda?

My fiancé says that they gave him back the following documents (le regresaron los documentos siguientes):

- cedula original
- fotos y evidencia (tarjetas, boletos, etc)
- certificado de solteria
- Declaraciones de impuestos
- recibo de pago de visa
- copia de confirmacion de aprobacion de peticion K-1 de USCIS (copy of NOA2)

They said the photos of most recent visit, greeting cards, plane tickets of the visit and his responses to the questions were sufficient evidence to prove the relationship is legitimate and that he was approved. javascript:emoticon('')

These are the following documents that my fiancé took with him that they DID NOT ask for / estos son los documentos que mi novio llevo a la cita pero NO SE LO PIDERON:

- prueba de ciudadania estadounidense de peticionaria, o sea la copia de pasaporte de peticionaria. (creo porque yo trabaje por una agencia del gobierno estadounidense pudieron verificar que yo era estadounidense)
- acta de nacimiento de beneficiario certificado por registro civil (creo por que presento su cedula. en verdad no se.)
- paquete de evidencia de chat por face, correos electronicos, registros de llamadas por Skype y cellular, photos publicados en facebook de los ultimos 8 meses.

They told him he would receive his passport with visa, at the location he selected on www.ustraveldocs.com when he scheduled his appointment, in 3 - 6 business days.

I was not present for the interview which made me more nervous for him but with sufficient evidence and well prepared answers to the questions he was able to successfully complete the interview. Just in case it helped out, I did place in the album of photos of my most recent visit a picture with him and some of his family members with me holding up a sign saying the following: "I badly wanted to be this interview but I spent all my vacation days for an amazing 2 weeks with him and his family. He is the love of my life and can't wait to start my life with him. Thank you for your consideration."

Hope this was helpful! Feel free to PM me for any further information!

(updated on July 1, 2015)

(updated on July 1, 2015)

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