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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #16342

Singapore Review on March 4, 2015:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

Interview went well, my appointment was for 9.15AM. I arrived at the embassy at 8.45AM and was asked to join the IV queue outside the building. There was only 1 other person in the IV queue. Many others behind us in the Non Immigrant queue.

Was called to the security post about 10 minutes later, went through security and got a queue number. Was expecting a wait, but my number was called immediately. An asian man checked my documents and asked me some basic questions.
- How did you two meet? (We met in a church)
- What church was it?
- What does your fiance do?
- Has he shared his salary information with you?

He took I-134, a few of my fiance's recent paystubs, his employer and bank letter and 3 recent photos. He asked if my fiance's current job is his first, and required no further explanation for the lack of W2s submitted.

I had compiled his paystubs and bank statements from the past year and these were all returned to me. I was asked to take a seat and wait for a consular officer to interview me.

After a 45 minute wait, a very nice officer took my fingerprints and asked me a couple of questions.
- So you used to have a F1 visa (student visa from my college days), what school did you attend?
- Where was the school? (Brooklyn)
- How's Brooklyn? Did you like it?
He made some small talk about what Brooklyn was like when he lived in the States and remarked that my fiance and I have known each other for a long time (since 2007) and that was it! No other questions. Did not ask to look at all the skype history, whatsapp history and photos I had brought. He informed me that our case looks good, reminded me to register for an Aramex account and said that I should hear back in a week or so.

Relieved to be done with the interview and hope to hear back soon about the final decision for the visa The officers were efficient and courteous.

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