| Review on February 28, 2015: | shland
Rating: | Review Topic: General Review
My review would be similar to all the others... go to the park early, pay attention for the permanent visa information. After your name is called, go to the other side of the street, get checked off on another list, then wait around near the snack stand until they come out to get the permanent visa applicants. I had no trouble entering the consulate with my Fiance... we just kept telling everyone that I was his Fiance and I showed my passport and they kept waiving me along with him. Eventually they gave me a "pass", but I was already inside!
Once inside, wait in one room, go to another room to hand over your paperwork. The interesting thing is that I've heard other people say the person at the window hesitated to take all their evidence... in our case, she said "is that all?" as if we hadn't brought enough. that was kinda freaky, but in reality there was alot there, and we got approved, so??? But anyway, then go to another (VERY EXTREMELY COLD) room to wait for your turn to interview. Our interview was about 2:40p.
I (the petitioner) was present. The interviewer asked me to leave for a bit so she could talk to my fiance alone. She asked the standard questions about how we met, how many times i had visited, what I did for a living, where did I live, asked about some photos we'd submitted, etc. Then I was called back in. She then asked ME about how we met, my visits, my answers matched his so all was well.
But, here's the reason I was so glad I was there for the interview. I am self employed and have my own business, and so some of the documents and my tax returns don't look like the ones that they are accustomed to receiving, and she hadn't had a self-employed petitioner before, so she didn't know how to interpret some of the information. So she asked me questions about my support documents and my taxes and income. Thank goodness I was there to answer, because if not, I'm guessing we would have been put into AP and who knows how long it would have taken to get those types of questions straightened out. I thought my tax transcripts were pretty self-explanatory with regard to my income and taxes, but I guess not!
So, for any self-employed petitioners out there, write up a "my income and taxes for dummies" explanation to go along with your I-134, or be sure to be there for the interview like I was!
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