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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #1632

Mumbai, India Review on May 24, 2007:



Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My wife went for a CR1 interview at the Mumbai consulate on May 24th.

She submited all the documents to VFS in Ahemdhabad on the 14th of May. They took the DS230, AOS, and a few e-mails for proof of on going relationship. She had taken with her wedding pictures, 7 months of e-mails, and telephone records to VFS. They told her to bring the rest of the evidence to the interview.

Interestingly, VFS told her that I needed to submit my 1040 tax returns for 03-05, (I had provided IRS tax transcripts to NVC and they did not have any issues with that). They also insisted that she brings with her to the interview an employment letter, and a bank statement (I had submited 6 months work of pay checks - I would have though that would be sufficiant). So I managed to get all that information over the course of two days and sent it express delivery.

She had her medical on the 22nd at Breach Candy, and no issues there. On the 23rd she was a nervous wreck, as was I!

Then came judgement day the day that will live long in our memmory for the rest of our lives - May 24th.. the interview date!

I had checked the Interview schedule on the Mumbai website, and it stated that only CR/IR visa applicants were scheduled, with a total of 27 people for the day. With that in mind, I told my wife not to rush to get to the consulate, since there was only a small number of people for that day.

She arrived at around 7am, for a 7.30am appointment. She checked in at the first counter, and then sat for about an hour or so. She was then called to intervew with the CO. He was apparently in his 40's, and seemed to me in a **nice** mood. He took her finger prints, and the oath. After that, she was asked 5 fairly simple questions,
1) Who is sponsering you.. what's his name,
2) Does he have any brother's/sisters - what are their names and where do they live.
3) When did you meet for the first time
4) What does your husband to for a living
5) When was the last time you saw him - to this last question she answered on the "webcam" last week, this brought a chuckel out of the CO and he clarified and asked when in person.. my wife responded appropriately.

The CO then asked to see some wedding pictures, she showed the first page of one album, and as she was turning the page, the CO said, that's fine, I don't need to see any more. He did not ask to see any of the info that VFS insisted that I send to my wife prior to her interview.

At this point, the CO said to my wife, "well you'll soon be able to see your husband very soon.. you are approved" and that was it. She collected her passport and visa at 5.30pm the same day from the Mumbai VFS office.

She was out of the consulate in less than two hours. Based on other experiences, I though I wouldn't hear from her for atleast 3-4 hours, so when she called me so quickly, I felt sick. I seriously thought that something horriable had happend at the interview. Thankfully, she uttered the three words we've waited to hear for so long. "WE ARE APPROVED!".

From my wife's perspective, she would give her experience a 5 out of 5. She said it was a breeze, and was worried for no reason.

I honestly think what helped was that we were over prepared with all the documents, which did not leave any doubts in the offices mind when time came for her interview.

Hope this expereience helps others going through Mumbai.

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