Amsterdam, Netherlands | Review on February 25, 2015: | NickTijs

Rating: | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Went relatively smooth, short summary:
First of all: Please do not bring a phone or any other electronic devices. You won't be allowed in while carrying one.
Because I don't trust the dutch public transportation system I drove to Amsterdam, and parked at the Qpark parking lot. This is 2 euro's for every 20 minutes or part thereof, in total I spent 20 bucks on parking because I got there very early and I didn't go home straight from the interview.
I arrived at the consulate around noon, 90 minutes early, just to be sure I was on time. They had a tent pitched outside to keep you dry what was very nice. Since I was so early and the doors really won't open before 1:30, I decided to get a bite to eat downtown which is only 15 minutes away by foot.
Around 1:15pm more and more people gathered around the entrance of the consulate, besides me there were 2 more gentleman for the R/C-r visa, the rest seemed to be non-immigrant visa applicants.
At 1:30pm the door opened and a security guard came out, asking for names and what visa you were coming for. The R/C-1 visa applicants were let in first, you'll go through a security check similar to the one on the airport: Gates that check for metal and a X-ray machine that will see if you are trying to bring in anything dangerous. You'll have to take off your watch, shoes, belt, etc.
You have to leave your bag at the security check, but you may bring the contents of the bag (folders containing papers in my case) with you.
After you go through the security check you go through a door, and on your right there is a small waiting room with 3 windows, 5 through 7. There is also a bathroom located, which comes in handy if you have a nervous bladder like myself.
My experience with the windows is as followed, it might change in the future or have been like this incidental:
At window 5 you will have to provide any additional papers, or provide originals if you sent in copies. You'll be asked to scan your 4 fingers of your left and right hand, and then both your thumbs at once. After that you may take a seat again.
After a while, at window 6, the interviewer will call your name and he will conduct your interview. The interview itself is a lot simpler and more easy-going than some of the threads here on visa-journey imply.
He asked me:
Name of my petitioner, and if she was my spouse.
Asked if my spouse is a US citizen or not, and if so if by birth.
Where my spouse is right now, US or NL.
Where we plan to live after getting my visa (just saying the state sufficed).
When was my wedding, and to describe it.
What kind of work and/or school my spouse does or has done.
What kind of work and/or school I do or have done AND what I hope/plan to do in the states.
Asked the name of my joint sponsor and our relation to him.
Asked if my join sponsor is a US citizen or not.
After this there was a small hickup with the computer system so he wasn't able to tell me for sure if the visa was issued but he was fairly confident it was (bit odd, but ok).
He didn't return my passport, which is a good sign because they'll need that to print the visa. Don't forget to bring a backup-ID since carrying ID is mandatory in the Netherlands (a drivers license will suffice).
The next day, I checked the ceac website to check my visa status and it said Issued. Yay!
If any of you have any questions or want to hear something in greater detail, feel free to PM me.
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