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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #1531

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Review on April 25, 2007:

Mona Lisa

Review Topic: K3 Visa

My interview was very fast, it took 5 minutes only.
A week before interview i searched about behave and nervosism and i followed some instructions as "dont move much", "dont look for the sides","dont make very much sounds like 'hun' 'hein' 'ah'" and other things during the interview. I searched about the most comum and no comum questions that the officers do then i put it in order and my sister pretendered be CO and I practice it during a week every day with very diferents questions.

before interview:

I was getting stressed, afraid, nervous, excite and ansious if i coutinued like that i could deny my interview then the only way i found was to chat with others girls and it makes me relax; other thing that i used to relax was "bocejar e espreguicar muito' it makes the mind relax together with the body.

during the interview:

When i was sworning my hand was shaking. Solution: after of swor statement I put my left hand on the other to it doesnt shake very much. It helped
Questions the CO asked me:
CO.Como vc conheceu seu marido?- I. on line, em um site chamado www.xxxxxx.com
CO.Quando?- I. 19 de dezembro 2005
CO. Quando se casaram? -I. 22 de julho de 2006
CO.Seu marido fala portugues? -I. Nao, ele nao fala portugues (until here CO was very much serious)
CO. Voce fala ingles?- I. yes, I do. (here CO started to smile)
CO.where does he live?- I. he lives in chicago, Illinois
CO.what does your husband do for a living? - He is a self employer.
CO.Do you have some pictures as evidence?- I. yes, I have, do you want to see?
CO.Yes, I want. - I. I have two albuns here, one from my wedding day other micellaneus.
CO.He is very much romantic! (consul was reading some poems on photo album and started to smile)- I. yes, we are.
CO.quem 'e? I. My little brother
CO.seu esposo tem filhos?-I.No he doesnt.
CO.voce tem filhos?- I. No I dont have.
CO.aonde seu marido mora? - I. he lives in chicago
CO.Illinois 'e muito frio voce vai precisar de muito carinho para te aquecer.- I. yes,I will need it.
CO.Voce quer vir pegar seu passaporte daqui a dois dias ou que que seja entregue via TNT? - I. TNT
All questions were made one after other without time to think, as I was very ready it sounded very natural.

Thank God very much.

thank friends of visa journey.

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