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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #1523

London, United Kingdom Review on April 21, 2007:


Review Topic: K3 Visa

My husband had his K-3 interview on Wednesday, April 18. I was with him. Some of our experience might only apply to K-3 applicants. His appointment time was 10:30 and we joined the line we were directed to outside at 9:40 am. (Note: Do not try to change lines. While we were waiting, someone changed to a shorter line and then when he got to the front of that line they sent him to the end of the line that he had moved out of and now the line he returned to was much longer and he had to go to the end.) Luckily for us, the weather was nice so waiting outside for 45 minutes was not uncomfortable. Also at some point, someone came by asking for everyone there for immigrant visas to move out of the long line to a short line. Technically, the K visas are nonimmigrant visas but for this purposes they were counting them as immigrant visas so luckily I asked whether those with K visas where suppose to move to the other line and they were.

Around 10:25 am, we were entering the visa area. We were issued lucky number 13 (it seems to have been good for us) and entered the waiting area. We had barely sat down and we were called to window #14 … a very nice younger woman. She took my husband’s passport and then she got his packet including his x-ray, which she gave to us. She looked at his DS-xx? and verified that he was currently unemployed and had him sign the form. She also asked about his travel arrangements. She requested original and 1 copy for his birth certificate, our marriage certificate, and his police report. She also requested 2 passport photos. She requested the I-134 (original only) and then in support of the I-134 she requested my employment letter and said it was sufficient (my compensation is significantly over poverty level) and she did not require any additional support for the I-134. She then had us go down 2 windows to pay our $100 fee and come right back. We were so relaxed at this point that we were chatting and joking with the woman. She gave us the courier information form to read and fill out and told us to return to the waiting area until we were called up again. It was now about 10:45 am.

Around 11:10 am, my husband was called up to another window. He had to swear to tell the truth. I was told specifically to not say anything but I was allowed to listen. He was asked several questions including:

When did we get married? (August 4, 2006)
Where had I been living since we got married? (in England until December and then in the US … this answer might have helped us not have as many questions since living together improves how the relationship looks)
Where does your wife work?
What does your wife do for a living?

By 11:15 am, we were at the courier services desk. Not much more than 1 ½ hours … really very easy.

My husband has now heard from the courier service and his passport, visa, etc. will be delivered back to him on Saturday by 10 am (for an additional fee). He will be home with me on Tuesday night.

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