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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #14931

San Francisco CA Review on August 1, 2014:



Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

I have to say that I find the entire process undignifying, belittling, inhumane, alienating, intimidating. I came in on a K1 Visa, only to be with my man, but also bringing in a great education and work power, and a will to contribute to society. This is how you get greeted.

We waited for our interview for about 30-40 minutes, not too bad (I thought no phones inside the building - wrong. Everyone had theirs out, and laptops, tablets...) We got called in to a female officer who seemed very tough. We got interrogated in turns, very fast questions. She went over the submitted forms, and then asked us about each others' families (where do the siblings live), income (me "homemaker", he has a union job), bank accounts, joint stuff. (Of which, naturally, there is very little when I have no work permit and my husband is a modest earner...) About our living situation (we have 2 roommates who are on the lease with my husband, but not me - no job, no security, no lease - that made for the suspicion that we were not sleeping in the same room). We had no big wedding, just got married with one friend as a witness in Oakland. So no big white dress photos, just some modest ones. I think the pictures with a big "congratulation" that were sent from my family were good to have, as were the ones from visiting my husband's family. We also brough his most recent pay stubs (since he just started the job a few months back), and he got asked why his status was still *single* on there. He had signed his contract just before our marriage. Lucky for us it is a Union job, so he had a shitty little copy stating that I am the beneficiary in his life insurance that comes with the job. The officer seemed to approve of the union.

In the end, she walked out, made some copies of my ssc, ead, and passports, and returned (passport unstamped). We were told the card would come within 3-6 weeks. Then we got handed a "notice of interview results", stating that "USCIS is unable to complete your case at this time. Your case is being continued until a final decision can be made...Your case is being held for review. At this time, USCIS does not require further information or documents from you. Should further information or documents be required, you will receive a notice in the mail. We may also schedule you for another interview, you will receive a notice in the mail. Otherwise a final decision will be mailed once youcase is complete....Please allow no less than 120 days before making a status inquiry on your case."
That freaked me out and I asked if we should be worried about anything, but we were simply asked to leave.

At home my case staus said the same as the notice. A few hours later it jumped to "Card Production". Then it went back to "Decision: you are being sent a welcome new immigrant notice".

So here I am, believing we passed this step, but not in a celebratory mood. I am extremely appalled at the process. It made me feel like a criminal throughout, always under suspicion... for what? I just want to be with my man. It really reinforced my feeling to move back to Europe sooner rather than later.

A note on the interview technique. It was the 2nd time that I was interviewed by a homeland security officer. Both times it seemed the same, very military style: Very quick questions, no reassurance no matter what you say, and never enough time to fully explain. I think there are always a few things that are contradictory between the two partners, simply because you cannot elaborate. I'm assuming that that's normal and only if you have above average contradictions is when it's bad.

All in all, it probably wasn't the worst interview, but it felt horrible.

Update: Status went to "card was mailed". Phew!

(updated on August 1, 2014)

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