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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #1491

London, United Kingdom Review on April 12, 2007:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview was on tuesday 10th April at 8am. I arrived at about 7:15am where there were already 2 others waiting. At just before 8 we were asked to show our appointment letter then told we could make our way inside. We had to pass through a little cabin in which we had our bags x-rayed & any electrical items removed (I had to hand over my camera & mobile phone).

I then walked round to the front of the building & walked through the door & saw a man at the desk. He gave me a ticket & told me to wait upstairs until my number was called. I was #1 on the immigrant visa waiting list so the 2 infront of me must have been appyling for non-immigrant visas.

I sat down & waited feeling very nervous & excited. After a few minutes I was called to window 1. I was asked to hand over the various forms one at a time. The lady was very friendly but was speaking incredibly quietly & I could hardly hear a word she was saying & it was making me nervous because I didn't want to irritate her! She took my fingerprints & once she had everything she required she asked me to go & pay the $100 (which was £51.60) & then go back & give her the receipt. So I went & paid & then went back to her window & 2 others were standing there but she asked me for the receipt anyway & also told me to go & sit down & fill in my name & address on a form that she gave me. I was to hand in the form after my interview which was for the courier service to deliver my passport & visa back to me.

So I bought a sandwich from their little shop & sat down & waited. There were no clocks anywhere & because they took my phone I couldn't tell what the time was. But after about an hour I was called to window 15 for my interview. As I walked there my heart was pounding so hard I thought it would pop out of my chest! When I got to the window a very charming American guy asked me how I was which relaxed me instantly. He asked me why I had changed my second name (my brother & I both took my Dad's name when my folks divorced). He seemed very interested in this I think because it was a Muslim name & maybe he thought I was trying to hide something, which obviously isn't the case as we both have first Muslim names. Anyway, he was very fascinated by the long & complicated story I told him which included a brief family history. At the end I laughed nervously & said "we're not weird, I promise!" he then said "well, I think we're all a bit weird but I just have to find out whether or not you're weird in a bad way or not!". Throughout the interview he was constantly typing away. At some point I gave my fingerprints again. The only question he asked about my fiance was what his job was (postman), which I thought was strange coz I was expecting a little more questioning on our relationship than that. But he had a good look at all our photos (I even brought more recent ones & also more phone bills but he didn't ask to see them). He told me to raise my right hand & I had to swear an oath that everything I said was the truth. Then he told me to sign the forms in front of him & he also told me to put my hand down because I was so nervous I forgot it was still in the air! I felt very silly! After about what seemed like 10 minutes he told me that they're going to send my fingerprints to Washington & if they come back ok then my passport will be couriered to me & I just cut him off & blurted out "does this mean I've got it!?" & he said "if your fingerprints are ok, yes" & I just went "yeeees!!!" I was so happy. All the waiting was finally over. I was fighting back the tears & a huge cheesey grin. Then he told me to pay the courier fee & he let me go. I ran into the toilets & burst out crying then tried to calm myself down & went to pay the £13.50 fee with red blood shot eyes! All in all it took about 2 hours. Now I'm just waiting for my visa to be returned

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