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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #14335

Singapore Review on April 24, 2014:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview was scheduled for 8:45am on April 22nd 2014 at the U.S Embassy Singapore.
I was probably overly nervous for the interview, having read many horror stories and bad experiences from people going for K1 visa interviews at other consulates.

The whole interview process was truly underwhelming!
I expected to be asked a whole host of questions, my mind was abuzz with answers I thought I would have to give.

I arrived at the embassy at 8:30am, walked up the slope to the entrance and a security officer asked me if I was here for an immigrant visa or a non-immigrant visa. So I said immigrant visa and was directed towards the entrance of the embassy. I looked toward the people queuing for a non-immigrant visa and there were over 15 people sitting in a shade, waiting to be called. At that point, I was quietly glad that I had an appointment

However, I didn't expect to have to queue to be allowed entry into the embassy. There were 4 people and a family before me. Worse still, it was insanely hot and it was a good ten minutes of me pretty much suntanning. Can't complain though, but if you hate that sorta thing..I suggest you come an hour before to make sure you're the first in line

Finally was allowed to enter the security room where they make you walk through a metal detector, show them your interview appointment letter and you basically hand over any electronic devices you have. I left my entire handbag with them as I had my iPad and handphone with me. Wasn't a big deal, I was quite happy to be freed of my things. That said, all my important interview documents were in a separate file so I didn't need my handbag. The security officers were very pleasant and not at all intimidating. Was given a number tag for my stuff and off I went to my interview!

Take a left after you leave the security room and take the walkway up a short distance. At the end of the walkway, look right and you will see a door. Enter that one and only door.
Again, I was asked which visa I was here for and I answered "Immigrant Visa". The nice security officer asked if I had any electronic devices on me and made me walk through yet another metal detector. Once that was done, I entered the room and clicked "Immigrant Visa" on the machine that gives out queue numbers. Got number 005 so I figured I'd be waiting a bit.

The room is small, has the same vibe as a post office. Everyone has their interviews standing up, nothing overly elaborate like sitting down and being grilled. There are 8 counters and they look like bank tellers. And yes, everyone can overhear your interview. This makes it all less unnerving, which is good in my opinion. Got a seat, expected to wait for at least 30 minutes when suddenly, my number was flashing on the screen!

Really did not expect to be called that quickly. So yes, the first interview is conducted by an Asian guy and he was pleasant if not robotic (will happen to you if you do the same thing everyday). He returned my chest x-ray and informed me that he would now check if I had all my documents and then ask me few questions.
These are the documents I passed to him.

1) My passport
2) My original birth certificate and a photocopy
3) Police certificate
4) Affidavit of Support form (my fiancee used black ink and he thought it was a photocopy but I assured him that it was not)
5) W2 for 2013
6) 3 months worth of pay checks starting from January 2014
7) Official employment letter from my fiancee's place of employment
8) Official letter from bank stating when the account was opened and how much is inside
9) 3 months worth of bank statements (printed out online, not official ones)
10) Two recent US sized passport photos

He then asked me if I had any proof of our relationship, I told him that yes I have photographs, a scrapbook of gifts, letters and records of whatsapp and skype conversations.
All he wanted from me was three of our best photographs.
In my mind, I was like "Haha I prepared tons of evidence and that's all?"
But, I guess, being asked for less is way better than being asked for more

He then asked me:
1) How did you and your fiancee meet and when??
3) When did your fiancee leave Singapore?
4) What does he work as?

And that's all! Quite underwhelming.
He then gave a form that told me how to register for Aramex in order to receive my passport.
I was then told that my name will be called and I will be interviewed by the American Consulate.
So I took a seat, was in it for the long haul but I was called just ten minutes later!

The man interviewing me was extremely nice and casual, felt like I was simply applying for a new bank account haha. Firstly, he returned my original birth certificate and then returned the three photos I submitted as proof of our relationship). I had with me skype and whatsapp conversations and offered to show it to him (was worried that they only saw 3 photos) but he said "It's okay, I don't need it. If I do, I'll ask but it's better if I don't." We both smiled at that. So with that, he proceeded to take my fingerprints and I took an oath to once again state that all the information on my DS-160 is true. After that (make sure they do it btw, else you have to come back to the embassy again boohoohoo), he proceeded to ask me questions!

1) What was your fiancee doing in Singapore?
2) When did he leave Singapore?
3) Where is he working now and as what?

Then we made some small talk about filmmaking and movies at Pittsburgh where my fiancee is.
I was waiting for more questions but he simply said "Okay, well your case is pretty straightforward. All your papers are in order and I expect you'll get your visa quite soon, though I can't promise you that. But, your case is straightforward so perhaps 3 to 5 days later."
I was just too shocked, totally expected more questions.
Thanked him profusely because that's all I could do.

He then reminded me to register with Aramex and told me that I will receive the package with my passport (visa attached inside) and an envelope that I should not open. Also asked me if I had any questions and I had none, was too shocked that the interview went so smoothly. Couldn't believe they didn't ask any questions about me??? Hmm.
I wished him a good day and he wished me all the best

I left the embassy in good spirits at 9:40am and was absolutely thrilled to be done with it!
Perhaps it was because I had overly prepared for everything and expected to be there until 12 in the afternoon
All in all, the interview process was way easier than any other process in this K1 FIance Visa experience.
I am very happy

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