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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #1414

London, United Kingdom Review on March 22, 2007:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

March 21st 2007:

My appointment was for 0900 and I arrived around 0810 to find a queue already formed, the woman in charge checked my letter and I got directed to a line.It was bitterly cold and it took an hour to get into the security shack where they take your electronic devices, check your shoes and bag etc. Once inside the embassy I got the ticket from a really confused girl on the front desk and then sat in the Argos style waiting area and was surprised to be called up after only 10 mins - the lady at the window then asked me for my application forms, I explained about sending it all pack with packet 3 and she looked totally confused until the penny dropped and she realised the front desk girl had issued me with the wrong ticket type...I then waited around 20 minutes to be called to the right window where I handed in my passport,certificates, affadavit etc and tried to provide my fingerprints - it was taking my hands a while to warm up from the cold outside and the guy couldn't get a reading on the laser machine, on the fourth attempt it became farcical - so much for technology!!

I then had a 25 minute wait before the interview where I again had issues with the fingerprint machine (apparently they like to verify that you are the same person between your time at the two different counters)I had to swear to provide truthful answers and then got asked the following: What is the name of the person you are marrying? Where did you meet? Where does he live? The guy was really friendly and informal throughout and I was approved within around 5 minutes - which was great, although after months of creating a paper audit trail for our relationship I kinda wanted to show him at least a photo or one email, I'm guessing he took one look at the stuffed lever arch file I had with me and decided to save himself the hassle...

Then it was just time to pay the courier - for those working full-time they advertise that you can stipulate a pre-8am or Saturday delivery,I opted for Saturday at an extra charge of £3 although he said I had to wait on the call from them to confirm that and then didn't charge me the extra fee. Still a little confused about that one but we will see.

All in all a pleasant (despite the queuing outside - wrap up warm people!)experience, that said I won't be satisfied until my passport is back in my hands!

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