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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #13881

Sydney, Australia Review on February 16, 2014:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had a great experience for my interview on the 11th Feb. I arrived at 7.20am and asked reception where to go. He told me to wait until 7.45 before I go up to security on level 10. He also told me that lifts open at 7.30am...so of course I go up then haha. I had to sit outside the locked security door until they opened. Only 1 other person was there. As soon as they opened the door I went in, I ended up being first as the other girl didn't seem in a hurry. I handed over my belongings, keeping my documents etc, and they gave me my wallet. I was allowed to take bottled water, had to take a sip as others have mentioned. All very friendly...took maybe 5 minutes. I had to go through my bag to find some earphones...they ask you to hand over all electronic equipment and I didn't realise they were in my bag. Then up the lift to the consulate room. You walk in, take a ticket, then sit and wait. There were maybe 5 other people after me. My number got called up after about 5 minutes, I went to the window and the woman asked for my passport etc, had to have fingerprints taken, then she took my receipt for payment etc. She was polite. It is so strange talking to somebody through the glass window! I was told to take a seat again, holding onto the same ticket number. After maybe 10-15 minutes I was called back to another window, this time for my interview. While I was waiting I overheard another applicants experience..poor girl. The woman asking for her documents was on the verge of being rude. Very abrupt, condescending almost. I had my fingers crossed I wouldn't get her!! I was interviewed by a really lovely woman, who smiled and was polite. Very business like, and the odd constant eye contact always. She asked:
Name of fiancé, how we met, how many times I had been to see him, where we would be living, where he works, address of his work, have I met his parents, had he been to oz (no), why he was the one for me, had I ever been arreseted or had trouble with immigration, and I think that's it. She looked through paperwork, gave me back something (his 1-34 pay info), looked at the photos we had sent in, and actually commented on them. A few minutes before I saw the big red approved stamp, but still didn't get my hopes up. She finally (after about 10 minutes) said everything was in order and I was approved. Gave me a small piece of paper saying so, and told me the visa will be sent out within 5 days. And to give myself extra time at point of entry as they will take me aside. Said good luck, and that was it! I was out the door by 8.30am (appointment time was 8am.

I received an email on valentines day that toll couriers were delivering the visa. I called them and they said it should arrive Monday, yay!!!

Good luck to everyone!!!

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