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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #12763

Korea Review on September 13, 2013:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview was scheduled at 8:00, on Sep 10th. For immigrant visa applicants, people are allowed to enter the embassy without waiting outside and standing in a line.

After scanning your belongings and checking your appointment, you go up to the third floor. One thing you make sure when you get there is that you have to get a number. The machine is below(near) TV.

When your number comes out on the board, you go to the booth, and submit all the papers you prepare. If a worker doesn't say something special, you can go back to the seat and wait to be called again for finger printing.

Before you have an interview, you have to swear to tell the truth. Some officers ask you which language you prefer, but I was asked to speak only English. The questions were very simple. 1) How did you meet you fiance? 2) Is he still working as an English teacher here? 3) How long have you been dating with him? I asked all the questions, and after looking my passport and papers again, the officer said I could get a visa in a week. I was very surprised to finish it so early, so I told him again to make sure if I could get a visa soon. Then he said "YES!" The officer didn't even look at a photo book that I brought. He thought he didn't need to check other things to prove our relationship. That was very pleasing and relieving interview.

Before the interview, I was very nervous, couldn't concentrate on reading a book or so. If you are very nervous, I suggest having Cheongsimwhan that relieves your heart.

I think the applicants can get the approval unless you miss what the embassy requests. I saw an applicant receiving a piece of blue paper. (Especially the officer reviews I-134, and criminal record check(expunged records) very carefully.) The embassy sent my passport the next day, and I could get it two days later. (The company made a small mistake, so I could get it one day late.)

I hope every applicant can get the and approval and the visa without any problem, and if you have questions regarding the visa, feel free to contact me.

Good luck!

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