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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #12403

Detroit MI Review on July 26, 2013:



Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

My husband (US citizen) and I walked in USCIS Detroit ten minutes prior to our appointment. After a security check, the receptionist told us to enter the waiting room with many windows (like bank teller's) where about 30 people were waiting. He also gave us a number which would be called upon our turn. Our number was called in about five minutes and we went to our window. Our clerk took our appointment letter, checked our passport/ID and told us to wait in the same room until my name was called. It was a clean, spacious room with a lot of natural light which made us less nervous.

About 15 minutes later, a lady called my name and led us to an area where there are many small rooms. While we were walking in the hallway, she asked me if she pronounced my name correctly (it was perfect!). We entered one of the rooms and found out that the lady was our officer and the room was her office. We were told to stand in front of her desk, raise our right hands and take an oath.

She started our interview by asking my husband questions while looking at a huge pile of paper which I'm sure is the paperwork we submitted. The questions she asked my husband are: his (=our) address, SSN, where he works, where he was born, when and where we got married, my name, my birthday, what I like to do. Then, it was my turn. She asked me my (=our) address, SSN, if I work, my husband's name and birthday, and my port of entry to the US. She also asked me if my immigration process there was normal. Then she started a bunch of questions similar to the ones I answered in my I-485 form ("Have you been arrested or convicted?", "Are you a terrorist?", "Do you intend to engage in an espionage?", etc.) all of which I answered "No". Then, she asked me when and how we met. Next, she asked me if we have any supporting document we would like to add. I showed her a copy of our health insurance cards and a recent photo of us. She only took the copy of insurance cards and told me to keep the photo. Then, she told me that I would receive my two-year green card within two weeks, so I understood we were approved! She also told me to file petition to remove conditions within 3 months of my card expiration and attached a note on my passport so that I wouldn't forget. Lastly, she asked me if I had any further questions, so I asked her if I could get a temporary stamp (I-551) on my passport. No problem. When we left her room, she walked with us to the waiting room and congratulated us.

The whole process took about 50 minutes. We had all the originals and copies of our supporting documents but our officer didn't check them except the ones we hadn't submitted (insurance cards and photo). Everything went very smoothly. Our officer and all the clerks we met at the Detroit office were nice, professional and not intimidating at all.

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