Mumbai, India | Review on June 21, 2013: | mtm

Rating: | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
It was really very nice interview. We reached Mumbai on 16th itself and went to the consulate on the next day and ask the security force about the timings and all. They said come before 7 am, also bring umbrella if it is raining.
Next day we reached consulate at 6.55am, there were two lines immigrant and non-immigrant lines. VFS people checked my appointment letter and document pick up confirmation page and asked me to join the line. There were about 20 people before me.At 7am they asked us to get into the gate and we were asked to sit in front of the entry gate. After sometime they called us and there was a checking of items with us. Remember not to bring any electronic items or mobile phones etc. I was wearing my watch and they asked me to put that also along with my documents for checking. After that we were directed to another door there was also a lot of chairs and we were asked to wait there. At 7.00am we were allowed to get into the interview room, there were may windows numbered 1 to 15 and two other windows. Then they give every one codes and asked whether U need an interpreter. After that wen my code was displayed on the board I went to window no. 7 . there was an Indian lady who asked me to give my appointment letter and confirmation page. Then she asked me whether I can follow English or not. I said yes. Then, she asked me to give my passport and medical reports and she gave me my packet which was send to NVC. then she asked me some questions like, who is calling u? What is ur DOB?,What is ur husbands DOB? What is ur mother's maiden name(it was not filled in the I130 form). She asked me to fill that. What is ur father's name? Then she gave me a notice containing phone no. s of security forces in US, and told me if I face any problem they will help me. She also said b4 going to US I must pay a green card processing fee of $165. And then she told me to wait for sometime.
At 8.50am my no. was again displayed on the board, this time there was an American officer was there with an interpreter. First he asked me to take oath. I just have to say 'yes i do'. Then he asked question, who is calling you? Where does he live? With whom does he live? When was your marriage? Is it arranged? Who arranged and how? Do you have any photographs? (I gave an album containing some 50 photos covering our engagement, marriage, reception, and some other). The officer gave a quick look at the photos and gave it back to me. Then he said ‘your visa is approved and U can collect your visa and packet from the registered pick up station’. Then he gave me a sheet containing my alien no. and asked me to pay $165 before going to US.
Then I talked to a vfs staff, a lady and asked her ‘is there any provision of getting my visa faster’, she said it will take only a week, u can pick it up from the registered location. There was another option of courier service, which will deliver our packet at a home or office address. It costs Rs.300. But I preferred the registered location as it was nearer to my home.
On 20th I got an email from ustravelsdocs at 16.40pm stating that my documents were collected from the US consulate. So I send an email containing my passport no. to passportstatus@ustraveldocs.com at 18.36pm to know my current status. I got a mail at 18.37pm stating that ‘The current status of your passport is Ready For Pickup’.
I collected my visa from the vfs office on 21st and booked my ticket to US for 26th June.
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