Mumbai, India | Review on January 16, 2013: | sunayana

Rating: | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
My USA Immigrant Visa Interview experience:
I reached the Mumbai US Consulate by 0600 AM. We were made to stand in the queue at about 0630 am.There were two ques one for the Immigrant and the other for the No-Immigrant Visas. We were asked to hold on to the Interview appointment letter and passport.Later at about 0700 AM we were allowed inside into the security check area, where we were asked to put all the bags, files, watches and also the sweaters and jackets into a plastic basket which they gave for a security scanning. After the security check we were sent to a counter, where the lady asked for the language in which we would like to be interviewed and stuck two stickers (token numbers) on the appointment letter. This was done by 0716hrs (the time gets printed on the token)
There were two series of token numbers. One starting with letter I and the other with S. After that we were made to sit in the chairs arranged in front of the 16 counters (where the interview would be conducted).
Few Indian young ladies opened the counters and started calling the tokens. My turn came at about 0750hrs. BTW I was called by my name and not the token number. She first asked for my passport and my interview letter. She then returned all my original documents which we sent along with the DS-230 application..They also returned all the extra papers like the covering letters of the AOS & DS-230, the cover sheets and also the Fedex envelopes we used to send those applications. Then I was asked to give my fingerprints first left hand 4 figures, then right hand and then both the thumbs. She asked me the following questions:
Who is calling You?
Is he with you currently?
Do you have his Tax returns or the W2's? I had both of them. She took both of them
Is this your first marriage?
Is it his first marriage?
What happened to your first marriage?
What happened to his first marriage?
Are you still working madam?
Have you been ever been to USA before?
Have you been to any other country before?
Please give your Medical reports. Then she said you have to carry your XRay reports in your hand baggage when you travel to USA and show it at the immigration counter (at PoE) Please sit down ..you will be called for an interview shortly.
She also returned my interview letter after taking away one of the sticker with the token number, but did not return the passport. All this was done by 0800.
After 20minutes I was called for the interview by an American Visa Officer. He was little hefty grey haired probably in early fifties.He was very friendly and nice. He asked me to give fingerprints of my right hand. Then he asked me to raise my hand for an oath which he read out and then I asked if followed it.
Later he asked me to sign the DS-230 part two.
Then I was asked the following questions.
Where is husband working?
What is he there?
Is your marriage an arranged marriage? Then he asked if got my originals back and then mumbled that the 2 PCCs I submitted though one of them was not required talks a lot.(positively). BTW, I submitted PCC from passport office and also from Police Commissioner office.
How long have you known your husband before marriage?
How did you get to meet him?
What happened to my first marriage?
How long was your husband married for the first time?
Was your first marriage an arranged one?
What about his?
Do you have children from your first marriage?
Does your husband have?
Have you been to USA before?
Then he looks into his computer and types something for a long time and the leans forward and says Congratulations. Your Visa has been approved. I could not stop smiling. My face was all glowing when I heard that. Where is your husband in USA? You will enjoy it in Atlanta. Please go get ready for your trip to USA. I was told that the passport will be sent to the pickup point I registered or I can pay Rs.300 if I wanted it to be couriered to my residence. It will reach in 3-4 working days.I decided to pay Rs. 300
I was out of the Consulate by 0845 AM. Now, I'm waiting for my passport
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