Mumbai, India | Review on January 12, 2013: | RadhikaE

Rating: | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Got there at 6.15. The crowd had already split into Immigration and Non-immigration queues. My wife was with me (she is visiting me). Already there were about 30 people in front of me waiting. The security guys were yelling out instructions in Hindi to keep the interview letter handy, They were also having spouses or people accompanying the candidate to stay out of the line. and not to carry in any electronic or media devices. So no CDs, Cellphones. Flash drives etc or allowed. I Carried a Whole Foods bag with all my files and stuff and did not have problems at security.
You can carry eatables and water etc but take note that one has to consume a part of the food in front of the security personnel. There is a small cafe kiosk in the waiting area anyway selling water, juices or snacks. My wife wished me all the best and went to the coffee shop of the Trident hotel ( right opposite the embassy) to wait and have something to drink.
The lines were let thru at about 7.00 and we go thru an airport style security check. Note that this is where the line breaks up. Ppl who finish the security check earlier end up walking through a courtyard and making it to the other block (where the whole interview is held) faster. The faster you get thru the security, the faster you make it to the counter where you get the two tokens. Once there, present your interview letter, and you re asked which language you are comfortable with (mine is English). Once again, the sooner you get here, the sooner your interview will be. So make sure you dress and carry things in such a way that you go thru security fast. I had read reviews mentioning that bags are not allowed however i did not find that was the case. I carried a bag with all our evidence was allowed through after x ray scanning.
Got to the token counter pretty fast and got my tokens. Waited.
The VFS person announced to keep things handy -
Original Police Report
Original Marriage Certificate
Passport copy
Original birth certificate
For many of us, this doesn't hold good because we may have submitted these to NVC already. I told her this and she said "keep whatever you have handy".
So my token number is called out and I go over to the window. There is an Indian woman official there and she asks me for my interview letter, passport and medical. She has me place my hand on the fingerprint scanning machine and records my fingerprint. Returned the original document submitted to the NVC.
Asks me the following questions-
1. Who is calling you to the US?
Me: My wife (an state name)
2. She is divorced?
Me: yes.
3. Why is her last name still the same even after marrying you?
Me: we tried to change it in the US. But when we went to the DMV and showed them the marriage certificate and asked them to have the new name on the renewed license, they directed us to first file an application with Social Security services. We felt that the process was so much more complicated at the time and left it for later.
The official took some notes.
4. Who is your joint sponsor?
Me: (state name). She is my sister.
5. When did you last see your wife?
Me: She is visiting me right now.
6. When did she arrive?
Me: August 2012 (Six months ago). But I have papers to prove that she has maintained domicile in the US. Would you like to go through it ?
She says no.
8. How many times have you been to the US?
Me: 6.
9. Which visa?
Me: B1/B2.
10. Have you stayed in the US for more than 6 months at any given visit?
Me: No
That was it for the first interview. She handed me a legal document explaining my rights and numbers to call if I undergo domestic abuse etc. Must be something they are required to do by law.
Was called immediately for the second interview. There was a Caucasian male aged between 50 and 60 there. Greeted him pleasantly. Took oath and did the finger prints again and the signing of DS-230 part II.
Questions he asked were
1. How did you guys meet?
Me: In L.A, and I describe the the circumstances.
2. When did this happen?
Me: Give him the date,
3. When did you guys get married?
Me: Answer - Engaged on....Married on ......
4. How long did you court each other?
Me: A year and a half. I resigned from my job in Dubai and moved to India to be with her. We lived in for about a year and a half and then decided to get married.
5. She is divorced?
Me: Yes.
6. Why did they divorce?
Me: Ans.
7. How come she still has the same family name from previous marriage?
Me: Gave the same answer as before but added that we most definitely intend to change the name in the future. He wrote this down.
8. Do you see her ex-husband?
Me: Once or twice. He is financial indebted to her and we are trying to get our money back.
He remarks "Old Baggage huh?"...I say "Yup"
9. What do you do?
Me: Unemployed at the moment.
10. Do you have any pictures to show me?
Me: Yes, which ones would you like to see? (I had 5 albums of two years of us traveling, with my family and her family, engagement, wedding, honeymoon etc).
11. He asks to see the wedding pictures. Asks me who is who.
12. What does your wife do?
Me: She's a RN.
13. How many times have you been to the US?
Me: 6
14. Which Visa?
Me: B1/B2
15. At this point, he stamps a "Cancelled" stamp on my tourist visa and says "not anymore"...And then I knew that my CR1 visa was approved. But he still kept going with the questions.
16. What is the maximum length of stay you've ever had in the US?
Me: 175 days.
He laughs and says, "Of course...cause you have a B1/B2 Visa" (The maximum legal stay limit is 180 days)
17. So you were working in Dubai for Emirates Airline?
Me: Yes
18. Were you in flight services?
Me: No, I was in Destination Management but liaised regularly with in flight services.
19. I ask him..."Have you flown Emirates?"
Him : Once. I like the service.
Me: Yes, but they are generally a little more expensive...
Him: Yup
He raises his thumb in the air (meaning approved).
Me: So is there anything else you would like to see or know before I leave?
Him: No, unless you want to chat with me some more....
We both laugh and say goodbye. Was out by 8.45 AM.
We will collect our passport from VFS in Bangalore.
1. DO NOT Carry the X-Ray report. It is only needed at Point of Entry.
2. Try not to carry unnecessary things like change or keys with you, so you are able to clear security fast and move ahead on the line by reaching the token counter quickly and collecting your token faster, so your turn comes faster. You can quickly place all your belongings in the tray for the x-ray machine to scan through. When it comes out on the other side of the machine, simply grab everything and start walking and making your way to the token counter. You will have plenty of time later to arrange things back in order.
3. If you need passport photographs (and have forgotten them or not submitted them prior), they can be taken in there at a charge of 100 Rupees for 2 photos.
4. There is restroom facility and also a kiosk selling snacks, juices and water in there.
5. Dress smart. Be well groomed. No need of suit or tie, but a crisp, smart shirt and trousers will do.
6. Be yourself. Many reviews tell you not to talk too much, or keeping answers very short. My advice is don't try to be someone you are not. You will then certainly fumble and it will show. You will look like someone trying too hard. Everyone there is nervous to some extent or the other, so just be yourself. If you like to talk a lot about yourself, then go ahead and add a few remarks here and there that may help your case. If you are a casual person, then reflect a casual demeanor. Remember to Smile.
7. Carry an elevating book just in case you have to wait and do not speak to others a lot. Many people come there with fears of there own and things they have "heard"....you don't want them to be telling you their fears and making you more nervous.
8. Keep your eyes open on the screen for your token number. There is no voice prompt.
9. Make sure your photo albums are small enough to fit through the window. There is only space to pass documents and sheets of paper to the CO. Make sure you choose your photographs best depicting the event (for evidence purposes) and put them all in a thin album (mine was about 20 sheets thick) so you can pass ot through. The CO has the opportunity to see through the whole album then and thus makes your case a little stronger.
10. Carried a Whole Foods bag and did not have problems at security.
10. Say a Prayer for god's grace
Documents carried -
I carried 8 files as documents in the following order - Follow an order that is suitable to you. But arrange things in such a way that when asked for a document, you can quickly produce it. We had "post-it" color coded tabs marking each sub item in each file and separated by file dividers. Note that most of these have been already submitted to them, however we wanted to carry the documents, just in case any question comes up from the CO's side and I have to demonstrate any document (even though I already submitted).
a)Interview File containing-
Interview Letter + Passport + Photographs
b)Proof of Relationship File containing-
Five Photo albums - various events and trips
Scrap book made by my wife when we were living with each other before marriage
50 Email and 15 Chat transcripts - Chronologically and event wise arranged.
Marriage License copy + Affidavit on stamp paper from my father declaring in front of a notary that our relationship is genuine.
Airline Tickets - 7 Airline tickets of travels undertaken together
California Rental Agreement - With both our names on the lease
Joint Bank account statements both in India and the US.
Original Divorce Decree from previous marriage
c)Proof of Domicile file containing-
Joint Bank Statement showing US billing address
xxx state Drivers license showing permanent US address
xxx state Nursing license currently up to date
AAA Insurance monthly installment bill valid from xxx until xxx
Copy of American Heart Association Basic Life Saving Certification card
Copy of American Heart Association Advanced Cardiac Life Support card
Parking confirmation from owners of property where car is stored.
Future plans for returning to the US:
• Leaving India on xxxx
• Relocating to xxxx
• Applied for a xxxx state Nursing License
• Made arrangements to stay with friends when we get there till we find an appropriate residence.
Supporting documents for the above steps I have taken:
• Copy of one way ticket.
• Copy of xxx state Nursing license application
• Email from our friends (with a copy of his license) confirming that we are temporarily staying with them.
d)Copy of I-864 File containing -
Document from petitioner
•Form I-864
•2011 Federal Tax Return
•2011 W2 Form
•Letter of Employment
•Pay stub from the most recent six months
•Letter from Bank displaying average balance over 6 months
•Beneficiary’s bank statement as proof of assets
Documents from Joint Sponsor
•I-864 from Joint Sponsor – xxxNamexxx
•Passport Copy as proof of citizenship
•2011 Federal Tax Return, W2 and 1099
•2010 Federal Tax Return, W2 and 1099
•2009 Federal Tax Return, W2 and 1099
•Letter of Employment of xxxNamexxx
•Pay stubs from the most recent six months
•Latest bank statement
e)Copy of I-130 File containing
• Completed I-130 Form with attached sheet.
• Cheque to the amount of $420.
• G-325A (petitioner) with attached sheet.
• Passport style photo (petitioner).
• G-325A (beneficiary) with attached sheet.
• Passport style photo (beneficiary).
• Copy of Marriage Certificate
• Certified copy of divorce decree of petitioner's previous marriage
• Petitioner’s passport copy (all pages)
Evidence of bonafide marriage -
• Copy of our joint bank account statement.
• Copies of our apartment lease agreement.
• Rent receipts showing shared residency
• 10 photographs of us together, including our engagement and marriage.
• Copies of airline boarding passes and ticket showing travel together.
• Affidavit from third party having knowledge of our bonafide marital relationship.
f)Copy of DS-230 File containing -
•DS-230 Part 1 completed and signed by beneficiary
•DS-230 Part 2 completed by beneficiary – unsigned, as of yet, per instructions
•DS-230 attachment sheet with explanations to various items on the DS-230
•Photocopy of the Biographic Data Page(s) of Beneficiary’s Passport
•Original Hospital Birth Certificate of beneficiary and a copy
•Original Government birth registration of beneficiary with an attested translation provided and a copy.
•Secondary evidence of birth as birth certificate does not carry the full name - Certified copy of Passport, with full name, name of each parent, date and place of birth and the seal of the issuing office.
•Original Marriage Certificate and a copy
•Original Passport Office Police Certificate for Beneficiary and a copy
•Original Local Police Clearance Certificate and a copy
g)Work and education file containing-
•All previous employment certificates
•All commendations received
•Salary letter / Old pay stubs
•All education certificates and degrees.
h)An empty file folder to put stuff in.
Message me, if any of you have any questions. I am so grateful to VJ.com for all the help we received through this process.
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