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Washington DC US Port of Entry Reviews

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Washington DC US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
159 Review(s)
Washington DC Review #17458. Entry: 2024-04-24




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Incredibly smooth and easy. The non-US citizen fiance made it through customs more quickly than the US citizen did! They basically just took his envelope (with medical exam) and passport, sent us (together) to a CBP processing room. There they had us sit for a minute while they r... read complete review

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Washington DC Review #17419. Entry: 2023-09-29

M plus D

M plus D


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Entered Washington, DC through International Airport Dulles (IAD). There was no large line for security.

Went to the CBP officer and informed him I was entering on a K-1 Visa.
Officer was friendly and immediately asked if I had the "packet" with me, showing that he knew the pro... read complete review

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Washington DC Review #17413. Entry: 2023-08-30



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Dulles International airport immigration took about 1 hour waiting in line. When my fiancee got the officer, they asked her for medical and asked about wedding plans. The process took about 5 minutes and she got stamped and gained entry without any issues. Just be ready to wait an extra long time in... read complete review

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Washington DC Review #17369. Entry: 2022-12-24



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Super easy. The officer just stamped my passport, explained that it’ll be valid as a green card for a year and then sent me on my way.

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Washington DC Review #17342. Entry: 2022-08-12



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Came in on a K1. Waited for an hour until my name was called. Immigration Officer only asked me two questions:

1. Do you have any questions for me?
2. You know what you need to do?

Everything was so fast and easy minus the waiting time. Everybody was very friend... read complete review

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